Oh yeah… and school started!

on August 21, 2009

Seriously–in the middle of all this writing stuff, I’ve got to TEACH? And what about the kids? They seem to need CLOTHES? And we’ve got SOCCER GAMES? Doesn’t the world know I need a day to just let my head spin and bask? *sigh* Apparently, basking is not in the itinerary. Neither is exercising–I not… Read More

Holy Shit, I’m Legit!

on August 19, 2009

DUDES! You will NOT believe the day I had! Okay–school was okay. Well, school had real shit potential, actually. The Junior class (all three of my sections are Juniors) are spinning screaming through roll permutations like a gerbil in a gyroscope–I lose five, I get six. And this will probably go on for a couple… Read More

The Cave Troll Grows Up.

on August 17, 2009

I don’t know when it happened–but it was obvious this weekend. The Cave Troll has become an official smartass. You think I’m kidding? No, no… listen–all this shit happened THIS WEEKEND! Incident the first: Yesterday was soccer season’s opening day. Everybody (except Big T, who stayed home, cleaned the house and watched The Godfather, bless… Read More

Good shit…

on August 14, 2009

Okay– some good moments and some funny moments this week. Let’s see if I can remember some of them randomly. Chicken: “Mom! I thought you were watching Buffy with us!” Me: “I am! But Buffy’s gone all darkside and I hate watching those episodes.” Shocked silence. Chicken: “FOUR SEASONS OF SUPERNATURAL, AND YOU HATE THOSE… Read More

Gotta luv it…

on August 12, 2009

Okay… long day,Kids did play, Teacher’s sayHomework pays!Soccer fun–Does our kid run?Mate doesn’t know–It’s his show.Little boysWith soccer toysSlapping faceAll over the placeThey don’t care–It’s that or stareAt all the dustThat’s everywhere.Big kidsSleep a lotOoops, they’re caught!It’s five o’clock!The house is wreckedAnd dinner’s dreckAnd we’ve still gotTo drive a lot!(Couldn’t they at leastHave not foughtWith… Read More

The Cover of Bound

on August 11, 2009

A lot of folks have been asking what bridge is on the cover of BOUND? The answer? The Foresthill Bridge in CA is the tallest bridge in CA and one of the four tallest in the continental U.S. And there’s a great view both FROM the bridge, and OF the bridge right here: Foresthill Bridge

Denial eventually leads to the see…

on August 11, 2009

Get it? Not just a river in Egypt, right? *sigh* Yeah, whatever… Anyway, long day at school. It was actually good to be back. The thing with the chairs ROCKED! I’m totally going to keep them like that. “D’s, stand up, move two spaces around clockwise. There’s your new seat.” Completely impersonal, and that one… Read More

The Circle Game

on August 8, 2009

You guys remember that song? “And the wheel is going round and round, the whole wide world is upside down…” So yeah. We’re in the circle game–and welcome back to my complete insanity. School is starting again. I spent part of my day there–mostly working on my room. I would have liked to have said… Read More

Brief moment of insanity…

on August 8, 2009

I’ve noticed that I don’t have any real blogposts for this last week–I guess my head really HAS been up my writing ass, hasn’t it? Anyway, I promise something more substantial by tomorrow… I’m getting ready for school, and it’s sort of exciting and depressing, all in one. But in the meantime, I just made… Read More

*Big Shit-Eating Grin*

on August 7, 2009

Changing is up;-) (And so is something else you may all enjoy looking at… as usual, click to enbiggen;-)