Fucking rat…

on July 3, 2009

Okay, she was a good rat, and she’s gone now, and I refuse to speak ill of the dead, simply because her death traumatized my children. And it did. Of course, Chicken cried all day, but she womaned up and when the vet asked if we didn’t want to operate (on a 3 year old… Read More

The Astrology Connection

on July 3, 2009

My horoscope for tomorrow says: You’ve been lucky for the last two months, no doubt about it. But lately it seems as though your luck is changing. It’s hard to pinpoint, but something is “not quite right” in your daily life. At the moment, the planets are imparting some lessons that can be difficult to… Read More


on July 2, 2009

Okay–I’m not saying I’m a needy bitch (because we all know I’m a needy, insecure nightmare of estrogen and creative chaos) but really–REALLY, people, is it too much to ask for on lousy DECENT review on amazon.com while I’m trying to finish book 4? Because Vulnerable is GETTING HAMMERED out there, and it’s KILLING ME!!!!… Read More

Don’t make me write…

on June 30, 2009

I’m busy writing! Seriously– I’ve been clipping along at around 8 pages a night for the last week, and I went from 610 pages before I left to 675 pages as of right about now. I’m ROARING with the story now, and thrilled and happy to be doing it–and I’ve been worried. I forget, sometimes,… Read More

The temperature today is: 108

on June 28, 2009

And it feels like it. I took the kids out to visit my grandma, and by the time we got home, we were both wrecked. Of course, part of that might have to do with getting to bed late because I’m writing, and waking up early because the two short people have taken to sleeping… Read More

Sleep Cooties

on June 26, 2009

Okay–so she’s 14 and it’s summer vacation–I’ve STILL never seen anyone sleep as much as my daughter. Until I got back from the pool today, that is. I was so good–light breakfast, some water, and I did my aqua aerobics class at full bore. Then I played with the kids in the pool for an… Read More

I blame public television because…

on June 24, 2009

* I walked in on the short people as they were watching Kim Possible, and Ladybug was on Cave Troll’s back giving a two hand yank on the kid’s underwear. Yup, you guessed it– Disney taught my three year old the power wedgie. * The teenagers and I spent a giddy five minutes coming up… Read More

If you hear maniacal laughter…

on June 23, 2009

It’s because my pictures loaded… This first one is our view in the Granby valley–it’s a big sky sort of place! “Those aren’t horses!” We were looking for the Lonesome Stone Alpaca Farm–and clearly we found it. I got some LOVELY yarn here, and we met Lily, a dog bigger than my first car. This… Read More

Just visiting friends.

on June 21, 2009

OKay–so the conversation went like this: Me: “Do you know how to get from Granby to Fort Collins?” We were going to visit friends. Mate: “Yeah– Google maps says just to get on 34, and it’ll take us there.” Me: “Okay–I’ll drive–I mean, the road couldn’t possibly be any worse than the one from Denver… Read More

Colorado Quickie

on June 20, 2009

* Met Michelle from Colorado–in brief: Seven buckets of awesome, and she bought me lunch! (And gifts. I don’t know why, but the the gifts were so wonderful I mostly tucked them under my arm and ran with them–you CAN’T have my hand quilted sock bag back, you just CAN’T!) Pictures to follow next week–Michelle,… Read More