We’re here (we’re here!, isn’t anybody gonna give a cheer?)

on June 17, 2009

We made it–it was exceptionally non-painful. Seriously– we walked through the lines, through the airport, and into the plane. No waiting. Sort of freaked us out a little. We’re leaving a LOT earlier next time! The Rocky Mountains are… desolate. Alien. Beautiful. Dangerous. Big savage peaks, still holding onto snow with pure malice, and green… Read More

Thin wallets, fat fantasy lives…

on June 15, 2009

Okay– we really are broke. Mate and I are planning a stunning diet of pb &j while on vacation, and at my last two trips to the yarn store, I *gasp* only knit, and bought no more stash. However, it’s interesting how creative you can get amusing yourself when you can afford nothing but soda… Read More

In Which Amy Realizes that Being a Grown Up Has Perks!

on June 13, 2009

Okay–it’s REALLY late, and I’m tired, but a few things need to be mentioned. A. I’m done for 8 weeks canyagimmehalellujiaamen? I thought you could! B. Graduation was pretty awesome. More details tomorrow. C. I am no longer mad at the prickweenie. In fact, he is a prickweenie no longer. Now see, I’ve been kicking… Read More

Shhhhh… It is sleeping.

on June 10, 2009

Random slices of crazy pie today–enjoy! **We were watching a taped episode of Cold Case today, where the events of the entire episode actually flashed through Lilly Rush’s head in the space AFTER her car went into the river and BEFORE she was rescued. Big T and I looked at each other and said, “Oh… Read More

Why am I here again?

on June 8, 2009

OKay–you know it’s bad–know it’s REALLY bad–when you come home and write this: Don’t you love it when you do the reportAnd the teacher says it’s in vain?‘Cause Red Tape is his real courseAnd only sheep are sane. Or when your buddy blows off the project cause it’s not coolAnd jumps on your Grade-A train–You’ll… Read More

You know your teaching day sucks when…

on June 8, 2009

You look at your TA after viewing seven projects so completely shitacular, that only two of them actually DID WHAT YOU REQUESTED, and ask her, “Do you have any shrooms?” To which she replies, “Cuervo, Ms. Lane. CUERVO. You’ll piss it out in a week and not have to worry about the drug tests.”

Zoo–sans camera.

on June 7, 2009

Okay– we forgot the camera, which sucks, but it was a fun day anyway. I sent Mate to the movies with the teenagers last night, and he said “Zoo-m tomorrow?” And why not? We’d paid up on our membership–and that’s one of those deals where, if you take a family of six to the zoo… Read More

Cute Shit…

on June 5, 2009

Just a few things: Yesterday, I asked the Cave Troll how his second-to-last-day of school was, to which he replied, “Pretty good, mom. I went to first grade today.” “Really? What was that like?” “It was in another room!” And today, I came home and found Big T and Chicken playing video games. A couple… Read More

Too Much and Not Enough

on June 4, 2009

That’s how I feel about blogging today. Too much to talk about, not enough specific memory to place it all. It’s like the short people keep doing cute stuff and saying cute stuff and I laugh and think “I must blog that” and then it’s gone. Sucks, really–that’s sort of the fun part of the… Read More


on June 2, 2009

If anyone wonders what gets a teacher through the day when there’s eight days left in the school year, well, hereyago… I spent two days explaining the essay, and they spent two days talking over me. Today, when their rough draft was due, I had a line four deep at my desk, asking me how… Read More