Things I Learned at the San Francisco Academy of Science

on January 10, 2009

We went today with my parents–Goddess love them lots and lots because it was a splendid day. We learned about the earth and lemurs and lizards and rain forests and bugs… you know, the usual. We also learned a couple of unusual things–and I thought I’d share: * We learned if a kid is given… Read More

Mother’s of Geniuses…

on January 8, 2009

Probably die young, with a lot of gray hairs. I’m betting Samurai can back me up on this theory, and so can Lady in Red, but I think this next little story will explain why: Ladybug and I were hanging out at home–I was (gasp!) cleaning house. I found some tiny little cans of playdough… Read More

And have we mentioned that Knittech rocks?

on January 6, 2009

Thanks to Knittech (thank you thank you thank you!!!) who helped me format this into something that would post! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ‘glubs’


on January 5, 2009

I’m vegging… This is a very odd week for me. Everybody has school and work EXCEPT me, and it’s just me, here with Ladybug, wondering what my life would be like if I was a stay-at-home mom. I washed dishes (woot?) sat with Ladybug on my lap a LOT, played ‘string the button’ with some… Read More

The strange case of Rabino Glen:

on January 3, 2009

In case anyone has any doubts as to how Mate and I are made for each other, this conversation was overheard in my house this morning: Me: “I had the dumbest dream last night.” Mate: “Grunt.” “No, seriously–I dreamt that some totally random girl who knew you however dropped off her boyfriend’s kid with us… Read More

My Exciting Life As a Barcalounger

on January 1, 2009

Seriously–that’s alls I gots to report. Today, I was a sofa. I was a sofa here, I was a sofa at the movies (where the Cave Troll fell asleep and Ladybug pretended to sword fight just like the big-eared little mouse) and then we came home and I was a sofa again. There are a… Read More

I Am a SnapDragon…

on December 31, 2008

Thanks, Knittech! I am aSnapdragon What Flower Are You? I don’t have much today– here’s to a happy and prosperous new year, and to good friends who send you books for free. (This explains why I have very little to talk about!) I PROMISE tomorrow I will write a REAL blog! I swear! Happy New… Read More


on December 30, 2008

While we wait to see if blogger will load pictures, I’ll tell you a little secret. I submitted Bitter Moon II this morning. *deep breath* I’m sure the editing problems abound, just because I’m me, and if I think it’s perfect, I’m bound to have forgotten to capitalize half the proper nouns in the manuscript…. Read More

Excuse me while I throw down in public…

on December 29, 2008

Okay–for starters I was on my last nerve. That’s understandable. Mate had worked very hard to round up 20 people to go to a King’s game–including our entire famndamily–and I had worked very hard to whip up some enthusiasm. The thought of our two smaller children at a King’s Game without the luxury of leaving… Read More

In Which All Is Right With the World

on December 27, 2008

Okay–with any luck the two pix I took on the computer attachment will come out, because my first question is going to be, “Now do these things look like they’re worth staying all night to make?” (And the computer is NOT loading them and I’m ready for bed. We’ll try again tomorrow because the dinosaur… Read More