The Promised Moon/Fish– The Surprise Visit, Part 3

on March 19, 2019

Busy day! For starters, Geoffie got a hair cut, I got goodies in the mail, and I’m making progress on a shawl! Also, Squish is amazing. But other than that–it was a work day, and part of the work is wrapping up Fish in the next week. Which means wrapping up the Moon/Fish as well…. Read More

Moon/Fish tomorrow! I promise!

on March 18, 2019

So, it’s St. Patrick’s Day, which is usually an excuse to drink beer and party, but we’re not really party people, right? But the big kids have a new roommate–and the girls are trying to find a two bedroom of their own so they don’t have to room with two icky boys, and the new… Read More

Surprise Visit Part 2, a Moon/Fish crossover fic

on March 15, 2019

 So, woke up at four a.m. to see Mate off at the Folsom airport, got up at 5:40 to take Chicken to the Sacramento airport to go fetch her friend (she’s in the middle of roommate swap–joy!), and then got back at 7:00 a.m. in time to get the kids to school and take the… Read More

Surprise Visit: A Moon/Fish Crossover Fic

on March 13, 2019

So, enjoying writing me some Fish 4, and here is a thing I kept referring to, that didn’t fit into the timeline, that I felt REALLY must be written. Enjoy! Surprise Visit Burton looked at the information on his screen and blinked. He knew that name. “Uh, Jace?” Jason Constance looked harried, his appealing looking… Read More

Kermit Flail, March Addition!

on March 11, 2019

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! First of all, thank you all for being patient. I know you probably expected Kermit Flail in this space last week at this time, but, well, I was traveling from Daytona Beach home and it was not happening. I’m rested now (mostly!) and caught up (sort of!) and so ready to celebrate the nearness… Read More


on March 8, 2019

 Freckles by Amy Lane Small dogs can make big changes… if you open your heart. Carter Embree always hoped someone might rescue him from his productive, tragically boring, and (slightly) ethically compromised life. But when an urchin at a grocery store shoves a bundle of fluff into his hands, Carter goes from rescuee to rescuer—and… Read More

In the Rain–a Dawson/Jared fanfic

on March 7, 2019

More con stories tomorrow, if I can remember them. In the meantime, this is for a friend, who might need it: In the Rain–a Behind the Curtain Ficlet A funeral, on any day, was the worst day ever. The rain and the mud didn’t even made it worse–it just reassured everybody that the small coffin… Read More

Con Stories–Day 1

on March 6, 2019

Okay– so I’ll admit it. I was not in great shape when I arrived in Tampa. The plan was for Karen and her husband Martin to pick me up and then take me to their house. Karen and I would spend a day chilling and yarn shopping on Tuesday and then drive from Tampa to… Read More

A Little Book News Before I Sleep!

on March 5, 2019

So, Coastal Magic was a GREAT convention–I had the best time with the best people. I’m sure I’ll have more stories tomorrow–but right now I’ve been up for almost 24 hours (give or take a nap in a plane that didn’t leave the ground for two hours!) and I got business to take care of!… Read More

… but the sweater is done.

on February 25, 2019

I’m feeling mildly better–but the only–and I mean ONLY thing I did over the last two days was pack, edit, and finish Mate’s sweater. Now, Friday night I read at the Lavender Library, and Saturday morning I had a chapter meeting where I got to see Anna J. Stewart and hear Sheryl Lister’s rather amazing… Read More