Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…

on September 12, 2008

Here I am. Stuck in the middle with you:-) And the results of my unofficial survey are… We’re all a translucent combination of dark and bright, raising ourselves to the heavens and sinking with quiet finality to the depth of the mortality pond. Groovy. I’m not the only fulcrum on the scales–I like that:-) So–it’s… Read More

And today’s word of the day is…

on September 10, 2008

Dichotomy I have recently rediscovered The Eels–and this song called ‘Novocain for the Soul’ just came up on my i-Pod. LOVE it. You all remember it, right? Life is hard. But so am I. First you’re born. And then you die. Novocane…for the soul. It’s ultimately a pessimistic song, but the pessimism is just SOOOOOO… Read More

Lies, more lies, and damned lies…

on September 7, 2008

I suck at lying. My kids know when I’m kidding because I can never keep a straight face. But DAMN, there are some times I’d love to be able to lie my ASS off. (Literally. It’s a big ass. It could stand some paring down.) I thought I’d share. Lies I’ve told by omission: To… Read More

Aaaannnd… I got nothing.

on September 5, 2008

Seriously–my horoscope actually told me, “You’ll be phoning it in today–don’t worry about it. You’re tired, get some rest, and all your shit will be back tomorrow.” Okay, the phrasing may be mine. I don’t think the internet Horoscope actually SAYS the word ‘shit’, but either way, they pretty much nailed it. Work is good…. Read More


on September 3, 2008

* I can’t figure out if it’s going to be a good day or a bad day when it starts off with a porch present from an adoring feline. (In Ladybug’s words, ‘Icky nasty dis-GUST-ing!’) * Big T is the treasurer of the drama department. When I got all mom-geeky on him about this, and… Read More

Attention Please:

on September 2, 2008

Due to complications arising from helping Chicken with her homework, I will not be able to blog tonight. (i.e., I read Truman Capote’s ‘A Christmas Memory’ out loud to her, and we were both sobbing too hard at the end of it to be of use to anyone. Love that fucking story…seriously. Love it to… Read More

Things Mate Believes In That Make Me Believe In Him

on August 31, 2008

* That our children can do anything. * That the Timothy Zahn post-Star Wars trilogy was REALLY GOOD. * That science fiction and fantasy are good for growing minds and bodies. * That my books will someday be super-successful. * That he’d rather be happy than rich. * That he’d rather work hard than be… Read More

And this just in…

on August 29, 2008

Ladybug just came up with her favorite purple-spangled costume skirt to put on. I told her, “No, honey–you wore it all day yesterday, it’s stinky!” So she came back into the room with the same skirt. It’s all wet. In her other hand she has a container of deodorant. She says, “Here mom, no stinky…. Read More

Okay, whatever…

on August 29, 2008

It’s not that things have gotten less hectic around here–we’ve had two back to school nights and a dentist appointment this week– it’s just that I started drawing the line at shit that drags the little ones out in the 105 degree heat. Example? Picking Chicken up from school. No, I don’t make her walk… Read More

Weird Day

on August 27, 2008

you are violet#EE82EE Your dominant hues are red and blue. You’re confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be. Your saturation level is lower than average – You don’t stress out over things and don’t understand people who do. Finishing projects… Read More