Half-Assed Hash

on August 25, 2008

I actually made a dish we called ‘Half-assed hash this weekend’– and since today is going to be totally random, I thought I’d start off with the recipe. *** Half-Assed Hash: Ingredients: 1 bag of frozen tater tots, 1 small bag of shredded cheese, 6-8 hot dogs or smoked sausages, chopped up. Brown the tater-tots… Read More

Jack and Teague are Go!

on August 24, 2008

I repeat, Jack and Teague are a GO! Please check out YEARNING: A GREEN’S HILL NOVELLA FEATURING JACK AND TEAGUE on the website–and let me know if you like it!!!!

It’s not procrastinating, it’s blogging!

on August 23, 2008

Okay–my foot hurts–not that this is a reason for blogging instead of working on my list of book to-dos but I thought I’d mention it. My fasci-whatsis sprung a plantarr-somethingus and sitting at the table to type is just not as much fun as it usually is. Anyway, on my roster for today? I print… Read More


on August 22, 2008


And on a lighter note…

on August 21, 2008

First of all–thank you. Your good wishes, your response to my last post was beautiful. There really are no words for that situation–you all made me feel like my words weren’t too lame. Second of all–I’ve got 10 minutes to see if I can download some Disney photos–cross your fingers! And, while I’m waiting to… Read More

I forget just why…

on August 18, 2008

Lament Listen, children:Your father is dead.From his old coatsI’ll make you little jackets;I’ll make you little trousersFrom his old pants.There’ll be in his pocketsThings he used to put there,Keys and penniesCovered with tobacco;Dan shall have the penniesTo save in his bank;Anne shall have the keysTo make a pretty noise with.Life must go on,And the dead… Read More

I’m ba-aack!!!

on August 16, 2008

Sorry folks–my internet has been down. (I don’t know why. Mate fixed it–that’s all I ever need to know.) Hence, the lack of Disney photos, although Chicken tried valiantly two days running. Unfortunately, I’ve got SOOOOO much to tell you, and such a short time to do it. I’ll stick with happy things again today–not… Read More

Random Disney

on August 13, 2008

Okay–while I’m waiting to see if my pictures will post, I’ll give you some random stuff that made us laugh: 1. The Cave Troll went ‘dying bumblebee’ on us at the end of the days– you know–he’d be running in random loop-de-loops with heavy steps, threatening to make every pause his last moment before he… Read More

The pictures are for celebrating.

on August 12, 2008

Okay– it’s late and I’ve had a helluva day, but I haven’t forgotten my promise of pictures from Disneyland. They’re not downloaded yet–I did managed the sweater (hooray!) and I’ve asked Chicken if she would load some Disneyland pix tomorrow–I figure that she’ll have more time, and she’ll be on when there’s less internet traffic… Read More

How To Pull a Vacation Out of Your Ass in Three Easy Steps

on August 9, 2008

Step 1: Mate says, “While we’re in So-Cal, let’s go to Disneyland for two days.” I, being very sober and financial minded, nix that proposition, but let Mate keep the hotel we’ve booked on the way to San Diego, as sort of a stopping point. Step 2: Right before the Grapevine, realize, “HOLY SHIT! We’ve… Read More