And that, yerhonor, is why I got shot.

on January 25, 2008

First of all, thank you everybody. You’re all so awesome–is it any wonder that you ended up in the acknowledgments? (Hee hee…I love that part!!!) And second of all, I need to explain why I’m blogging in the middle of what should be my 3rd period class. I was home yesterday with the Cave Troll… Read More

Live, from i-Universe…

on January 24, 2008

It’s BITTER MOON!!! Holy Goddess, Merciful God, (are ya all with me here?) LET. IT. NOT. SUCK.

Cloudy with a chance of crap-all

on January 23, 2008

Well…nothing to blog about really. I mean, uhm, REALLY nothing to blog about that comes in any cohesive form, so I’m gonna do the shot-gun blog approach with a solid wad of crap-all ammunition. Uhm…EVERYBODY DUCK! * On Monday, the Cave Troll handed me my driving glasses when I was not prepared for them. As… Read More

Cows again…

on January 22, 2008

Chicken and I went to the craft store today and took the short people with us. All went well until the end, nearing nap time, when the Cave Troll was gearing himself up for a huge tizzy fit, and I took the wind out of his sails. “Is that a real cow?” I asked. “I… Read More

Thanks, Knittech:-)

on January 21, 2008

You paid attention during 91% of high school! 85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don’t get scores that high! Good show, old chap! Do you deserve your high school diploma?Create a Quiz

Sooner or Later, Everyone Goes to the Zoo…

on January 20, 2008

(Name that movie, anybody?) Anyway–we went to the zoo today. I love our zoo–lions and tigers and mangabeys, oh my! There were tigers laying on mama, margay’s itching their chins, and chimpanzees throwing pooh–really, everything children need to see to grow up big, strong, and just itching for a summer internship shoveling shit for pennies…. Read More


on January 19, 2008

&^%$$&*Phone system…the call in phone system at school was changed. I spent an hour last night searching my house for my @#$%$#@ PIN number and trying to find the one page on the website that explained how to call in for a @#$%$## sub because, dammit, I felt like crap and I had to enroll… Read More

It started out innocently enough…

on January 16, 2008

It all started with a picture on my whiteboard. I drew a gorge. There was a reason for the picture–I was trying to illustrate how gorge (the ravine) turned into gorge (the gullet) and then meant gorge (to stuff your face until you hurl). That’s not what the picture looked like, though. As my fifth… Read More


on January 16, 2008

We had short people invasion problems last night, and I got no sleep. Seriously–4:00 a.m. and the short people are invading the bed, and all of the wiggling, giggling, and hair pulling that that implies…and around 4:45, everybody gets to sleep, and fifteen minutes later, the Cave Troll squeals in his sleep and unloads a… Read More