Imagining Something Fun…

on September 9, 2007

Okay…so Needletart told me to ‘go out and imagine something fun’… and I almost shot back, “I don’t need to–my mom’s taking the kids on Saturday night!” But then I thought, ‘Mmmm…better not…Fate IS the only cosmic force with a tragic sense of humor, right?’ (Thank you Kenneth Brannagh for the quote, btw…) Ugh…I hate… Read More

Aren’t they lovely…

on September 6, 2007

OKay– Mostly it was a totally shit day, all things considered… I don’t want to go into it…it started with babies who didn’t want to leave me, and then I got to school and felt stupid, inadequate and detrimental to the mental health and well being of the students I love (most of them…there are… Read More

My apologies…

on September 4, 2007

To my fellow co-workers… You see, the thing is, all the men were talking. I tried to talk once, and I got shouted down, and so I picked up my sock and zoned out and watched the clock click off twenty minutes between the time I got shouted down and the time the men in… Read More

Try for two…

on September 4, 2007

Maybe 3…. (You probably can’t see, since the picture was taken at night, but the buttons on the hoodie are fish…love fish!)

No more words…

on September 3, 2007

I’ve got almost the whole first quarter of the book done w/the first edit–it’s kind of fun going back and seeing the beginnings and realizing “Hey–I DID have plan…” The only negative is the same negative I have at the end of any book. No more words… just a big, tranquil, sleeping blank space where… Read More


on September 2, 2007

I’m done. I didn’t do the monkey, actually. I sobbed quietly in the kitchen for a good ten minutes–it’s that kind of ending. (Romancing the Stone, anyone? Except I at least had toilet paper.) Anyway, I’m 75 pages into the first edit–and for the record? 715 (+ or – a few pages as I edit…)… Read More


on August 31, 2007

Not that it’s a real milestone, but if you count my old blog (and I do, since I only changed addresses because the shitstuffers in my AP class were making nasty comments that I had to edit out…) but today marks my 250’th post. I’m sure there’s a grammar nazi out there who will point… Read More


on August 29, 2007

I saw the yarn harlot’s post yesterday (and, might I add, DAMN apple for hiding the darned link key) and it was about how she just powers on through the end of a book or a project and gets it done. An admirable way of approaching things–I love her for it. (That and for her… Read More

Ladybug fall down and go boom!

on August 27, 2007

Okay–really, I have nothing to post about today. I told the folks at work about the interview and (with the exception of the Lady in Red who has my eternal adoration) they were so excited that they… Said not a blessed thing. You know, it’s a good thing I get my strokes elsewhere, because these… Read More

Lookit Lookit Lookit!

on August 25, 2007

Okay–I’ll admit it–I’m really excited about this. Floyd, the guy who gave the interview gave me a VERY helpful list of things to look for while I’m proofreading…I mean, I’m so grateful to him, I may have to knit him something. And I’d like to seriously thank my buddy at work who took that picture… Read More