Attn: Book People, Here’s Your Chance

on June 19, 2007

Unfortunately, it’s not going to last long…I’ve got to put the order in by tomorrow. See…my idea for bookmarks (I get two designs) is this–the cover picture of VULNERABLE for one bookmark, and the cover of BOUND for the other design, each picture dissolving from the top of the book mark to a complementary color… Read More

Things I’d show you if I could hook the camera up to this computer:

on June 18, 2007

1. More naked babies in the pool. YOu can’t get enough of that. 2. The partially completed back of the sweater I cast on for the Cave Troll. I’m so proud of this unlikely set of colors that I can’t live with myself. 3. The purple tulips that Mate got me for our anniversary…18 years… Read More

The Gift of a Day

on June 16, 2007

Okay, so it’s been two-thousand and six degrees outside all week. Except today. Today it was… Gorgeous, beautiful, 90 degrees maybe… And I’m thinking, the Goddess loves me. She really really loves me. Why, you ask? Because today was recital day. Chicken takes dance lessons and Cave Troll takes gymnastics from the same lady–JoAnna–whose Kids’R’It… Read More

Not cute…not cute… (and SQUEEE!)

on June 15, 2007

Okay, you know how cute it was that Arwyn wanted to play with my computer? She broke it. I didn’t think she could, since I started closing it when I left it on the table–and we started parking it way back where it couldn’t get pulled off. Apparently laptops are very sensitive to, well, squishing…. Read More

Proof that Yarn is All Things Good…

on June 13, 2007

Today promised to be a bitch of a day. Errand 1: Get Bryar her dance clothes. They don’t make big girls dance clothes on any corner of our red-neck of the woods, so we had our choice of a store in Rocklin (about 20 minutes away) or a store in Sac (about 30 minutes away)… Read More

I’m free…

on June 12, 2007

You know that ‘Who’ song? I’m free (nenner nenner nent, nenner nenner nenner nent) IIIIIIII”’mmmmm free (nenner nenner nent, nenner nenner nenner nent) and I’m waiting…for you…to follow me? Yup… that was me, singing at the top of my lungs as I emerged from our front office today…yeah, you heard that right…TODAY, Tuesday, ostensibly the… Read More

The Recipe for Chocolate Tuna Fish

on June 10, 2007

If you count the old site, which I do, this is my 200th post… and we’re getting dangerously close to my blogoversary too…I’m okay with that… Anyway, Bells did a silly thing–she asked me for the pattern to Chocolate Tunafish and then said, “No hurry…it’s okay…but I promise to make them, honest…” Isn’t that cute?… Read More

Such and such…

on June 10, 2007

I’m gonna throw some photos on this post for the halibut, and then, I’m just gonna natter away for the same reason… Sort of a nothing weekend, actually–take kids here, go do that, go buy this, internet yarn buy, yarn shop yarn buy… and then, wonder of wonders, actual KNITTING in a filthy house with… Read More


on June 8, 2007

I cannot tell you all how frustrated I am to be here, at school, blogging when I could be at home, with my children doing the exact same thing. The students are gone, graduation is over–I got to take tickets at the gate, which was good on the one hand because I got to A…. Read More

Bad Spellers of the World, UNTIE!

on June 6, 2007

Yeah–I know, it’s an oldie/but/goldie– but it’s still funny. And now it’s on a wooden plaque that I put up by my clock–green, with a gold border, very nice, but that’s not the best part. The best part is the signatures on the back from four of the best kids I may ever have taught… Read More