Ripping Off the Band-Aid…

on April 19, 2007

Okay okay okay… I know it was the “Thinking Bloggers” meme, but did you really need me to THINK? So. Not. Fair. I’m still terribly proud that bells named me (you should see her knitting by the way…So. Gorgeous.)but I don’t blog enough–I don’t read enough blogs, that is. The ones I do read, I… Read More

Not a problem…

on April 17, 2007

Okay, first of all, I’ve realized I don’t read enough blogs. This is a problem–I’ve maxed out my computer time as it is. The reason I realized this is that I was trying to think of my top five thinking blogs, and I realized that I wanted to nominate EVERY BLOGGER I KNOW. Because you’re… Read More

Looking For the Hook-up…

on April 15, 2007

Okay…the picture is the Easter picture–the christening of the Arwen cardigan and the Cave Troll’s pritty-pritty socks…just to prove to everybody that they’re still cute and all… And other than that? bells tagged me for a Thinking Bloggers award…and I’m sort of embarrassed and stunned and (of course!) honored. The embarrassment comes from the fact… Read More

Everybody’s a critic…

on April 13, 2007

I’m running on zero sleep today, and I’m eyeball full of work angst, so I’m going to short throw the fun stuff and go outside and zone with the kinder. Fun thing the first: As we were driving home yesterday, we had to make a stop at the bank–the Cave Troll showed his genius by… Read More

Two Fun Things…(maybe three…)

on April 11, 2007

I’m feeling much better now–thanks everyone for the good wishes. I think my “evil quotient” thing was funny–I’m pretty sure most days I’m 80% Lust and 60% Gluttony…and most likely to die while being fed bananas and grapes by Paolo the pool boy. Ah…wouldn’t we all… Okay, I am two buttons away from finishing the… Read More

On A Different Day, I’d Be A Different Sinner

on April 9, 2007

Thanks, Rae, for my biggest laugh of the day: Your Deadly Sins Sloth: 60% Envy: 20% Greed: 20% Lust: 20% Pride: 20% Wrath: 20% Gluttony: 0% Chance You’ll Go to Hell: 23% You will die with your hand down your underwear, watching Star Trek. How Sinful Are You?

A convenient ailment…

on April 9, 2007

It sounds like all of you had a wonderful Pagan day–complete with more gifts than chocolate. Of course, in an effort to control the proliferation of little plastic crap around here, I went for small amounts of gifts and a rather large amount of chocolate. I’m such a Goddess-forsaken moron. I didn’t go back to… Read More

Things To Do

on April 7, 2007

1. Get hair cut. (Get several cut–one won’t make much difference.) 2. Nag older children to clean living room, so that I might hide eggs at 2:00 am 3. Nag older children to clean kitchen, so that the cave troll might dye eggs to hide at 2:00 am. 4. Buy chocolate for the eggs that… Read More

*sigh* No Tatoo For Me

on April 5, 2007

Well, I was going to go get a tatoo tonight–I have one on my arm that features a pictograph of the children’s names, and I need to add Ladybug… (her name is really Arwyn Star–she gets the crescent moon with an 8 pointed star) Anyway, I was writing on BITTERMOON and I couldn’t get my… Read More


on April 5, 2007

Okay…tiny post…if you have a small child (but one who doesn’t like to eat things that shouldn’t be eaten) here’s a recipe for knitter’s magic: Take one brightly colored sock-yarn–I used sportweight–and 4 dpns–I used 2’s. (I stitch big…tight stitchers might want 3’s.) Cast on between 36 and 44 stitches. Save long end.K2/P2 for 3… Read More