ZoomBoy’s rabbit hole…

on November 28, 2018

I got a long, sad hug from ZoomBoy today, and I kept it going as long as I could, until my shoulder went to sleep because boy has bones like razor blades. He fell down a music rabbit hole and ended up at “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel, looking up all of… Read More


on November 27, 2018

Okay, so for starters I made turkey + gravy w/mashed potatoes for dinner, and set the turkey carcass to slow cook for soup tomorrow. *happy sigh* Boy, do I love leftovers. I also, I confess, have a thing for yarn leftovers. The red and white hat (which is NOT color true at all because the… Read More


on November 26, 2018

*covers mouth* Scuse me. It’s been a long couple of days of eating. So, since you last saw Squish’s crown, the week has gone like this… Wednesday– clean kitchen. Cook for Thanksgiving. Thursday– start with the following conversation with Chicken on text: Chicken: So, you’re coming to get us so we can carpool to Aunt… Read More

Every Princess Deserves One…

on November 21, 2018

OKay, so I admit, I was one of those parents who would give the other kids birthday presents on the one kid’s birthday. Nothing huge, and the birthday kid was definitely the star of the show, but everybody knew I was a little bit of a pushover during birthday shopping. Everybody wants to feel special…. Read More

The Christmas Special

on November 20, 2018

 Okay–where should I begin? My first story for Dreamspinner was a teeny tiny novella titled If I Must. It sold decently, and since then–Christmas, 2009– I’ve released one to two Christmas stories every year. Some of them were novellas. Many of the novellas have been bundled in one form or another, so it’s possible to get… Read More

Strange Days

on November 19, 2018

So, California caught fire, and our air quality has been dismal and the world is topsy-turvy and upside down. Most of California’s outdoor events have been cancelled for the past weeks–including soccer–and the kids got Friday off school because just walking from class to class was killing them. I’ve been taking the dogs for their… Read More

ZoomBoy’s Birthday

on November 16, 2018

So, the thing is, school is canceled tomorrow due to the smoke in the air–and it’s just as well. The lot of us are headachy with itchy eyes and the whole family is waking up and coughing like 80 year olds after a cigar and whiskey bender. But the thing is, the kids got to… Read More

It’s hard to be the bard…

on November 13, 2018

So, I’ve got an embarrassment of projects right now–and I’m enjoying them all. I’m writing the sequel to Beneath the Stain, titled Paint it Black, and it’s sort of grabbed me by the throat and won’t let go and I love it when that happens! I’m also working on Jai’s story on the side. For… Read More

Goodbye, sweetheart

on November 12, 2018

About a thousand years ago I was doing GRL in Albuquerque and like I usually do when I sign up for events, I was a little bit lost. And then Ethan Day, the organizer, contacted me and asked if I wanted to do my panel with him, because he wrote comedy and he’d heard I… Read More