
on September 10, 2018

Okay– So on Saturday morning, we were all getting ready for Squish’s soccer game. And she suddenly started yelling at the dog. “Gibbs! Gibbs! What the hell are you doing down there under mom’s feet! She’s on the toilet, Gibbs! You’re such a weirdo!” So while I’m still going, “You’re in my bathroom why?” she… Read More

In Which the Damned Dog Makes Me Look Bad…

on September 7, 2018

It was bound to happen. See, Geoffie is a bad dog. I mean, I love her, but she barks at everything, doesn’t listen, and you have to call her like you’re summoning Beetlejuice. “Geoffie Geoffie Geoffie!”  You only say it once, she doesn’t appear. Anyway… So we were walking at the park, and we met… Read More

Was that your Auntie?

on September 6, 2018

So, tonight was the kids’ first night doing pointe dance.  Now Chicken didn’t do pointe dance– she stuck with adult jazz because she was all about soccer. But ZoomBoy REALLY wanted to do pointe class, and Squish didn’t want him going without her and so pointe class it is. It’s 2 1/2 hours of dance… Read More

Kermit Flail– Mystery and Suspense Version!

on September 4, 2018

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I admit, this is a sort of odd Kermit Flail.  I think folks were busy– also, September is sort of an odd time to release a book. It’s like the January of ebook retailers– no “boys of summer” promotions, and the holiday promotions are two months away.  But that means it’s mystery season,… Read More

Rocking the Sweater

on September 3, 2018

First of all, Kermit Flail will be on Tuesday– repeat KERMIT FLAIL WILL BE ON TUESDAY! Yeah, I decided to take Labor Day off– sue me! So, for those of you who didn’t see it on Twitter or FB, this is ZoomBoy in his sweater. (You may recognize this sweater as the thing the dog… Read More


on September 1, 2018

Okay, so Guest Dog Gibbs likes to sleep on me while I knit. I knew that. But I kept waking up in the morning and finding the sweater I’m crocheting for ZoomBoy on the ground. “What in the fuck? Why? I don’t understand!” So, tonight, I got up to go get some water and the… Read More

Busy Days Again

on August 31, 2018

So, I’ve been to a few Back to School nights. I’ve even been to a few at this particular junior high. Let’s just say, the thrill is gone. It’s not even that I don’t want to be there–it’s just that the back to school night, with the, “This is our routine, these are our standards,… Read More

Photo Op

on August 30, 2018

Yes, I admit it. I’m doing SuperBat again because I’m in more of a fiction mood than a non-fiction mood. I mean, I was going to blog anyway… *  *  * “Mr. Wayne?”  Clark fought the urge to adjust his tie and his glasses, and simply extended his hand in greeting. Bruce Wayne, billionaire, playboy,… Read More

Release Day for A Few Good Fish– LOVE ME SOME FISH!

on August 28, 2018

So yes! Release day for A Few Good Fish. Can I just say I love writing this series? I love writing Jackson and Ellery throughout several books. I love that I have many more adventures planned for them. I love that even though my audience started out going, “Well… romantic suspense… I’m just not sure…”… Read More

Weekend Things

on August 27, 2018

So, spent the weekend… well busy. It’s funny how my family–which should have been getting more and more self-sufficient and less mom dependent in the past few years, has, in fact, become the opposite. They’ve become very “ishy” about me working over the weekends. Friday I was getting all totally ready to nap before I… Read More