
on August 24, 2018

First of all, Geoffie is doing okay. We’ll see after her walk tomorrow if she needs to go back for more fluids, and mostly? I think we just wait to see if she starts throwing up like a hurricane or if she’s going to pass the big chunk of rib bone in her stomach. I… Read More

Geoffie, C’mon!

on August 23, 2018

Okay– so fingers crossed, everyone. She’s doing better. Geoffie threw up last night–a lot.  (And there wasn’t that much time to throw up, either. I went to bed at two a.m. and all the puke was found at seven.) Anyway, took her to vets this morning, and she was cold and shaking and dehydrated, and… Read More

Date Night for Titans

on August 21, 2018

Okay– so last night I started a SuperBat fic and sent it out and went, “Sorry, no sex!” But I ended it RIGHT BEFORE they went on a date. So their date has been playing out through my head all day. It’s VERY X-RATED. You’re welcome. *  *  * Superman kept him wrapped in his… Read More

I’m Free!

on August 21, 2018

So, in honor of no jury duty for me… Let’s have no jury duty for Batman. * Clark looked at the little envelope in surprise. “You’re not going to try to get out of it?” Bruce grimaced. “Everybody has to,” he said patiently. “It’s part of our justice system. Aren’t you supposed to believe in… Read More

Jury Duty

on August 20, 2018

*  First of all– thank you all so much for the kind words about Gordie. The weekend was pretty sad without him. *  Next of all, I may or may not have jury duty tomorrow. I find out at 11:15 and I’m in a quandary. On the one hand, ugh. It’s half an hour away,… Read More

Goddammit Gordie.

on August 17, 2018

 So, the kids went back to school today, and I was super excited. I was going to meet my friend, Karen, today because she was dropping her husband off at the airport, and Mate was going to pick the kids up. It was like a special day, just for me. I was going to talk… Read More

RIP Cheap T-Shirt

on August 16, 2018

Okay, so most of you have figured I’m a T-shirt whore. I will buy almost any T-shirt, especially if it supports a cause, and double especially if they have one in one larger than my size, which is a B for Behemoth. Anyway, this shirt SEEMED perfect. Gray, cotton/poly, lightweight, it said, “Families Belong Together”… Read More

When they were young…

on August 15, 2018

So I blog four nights a week, most weeks. I think of it as a professional thing, and I like sharing, and I love telling stories, so it’s not really a hardship. Tonight, as I was sitting down to blog (which is usually the start to the bulk of my work day and the time… Read More

Shopping Lessons

on August 14, 2018

So, I’m not a great bargain hunter. My idea of looking for a deal consists of, “Can this experience be over before I hate the store, my kids, and myself? Yes? Good deal!” But today I looked at the Old Navy bill with some dismay. Oh my God.  We’re broke! “So, if you fill out… Read More

There goes the weekend…

on August 13, 2018

BTW This is an even better blog title when you have Pink’s “Here Comes the Weekend” going thumpa-thumpa in your brain, right? Anyway… It was a weekend. What can I say? Do laundry, do dishes, walk the dogs, take a nap (notice the picture of Mate in front of the TV!), see a movie… I… Read More