School’s Out for Summer!

on June 6, 2018

Okay– so last week I had a post titled “Beginning of the Summer Crazies” but I forgot to elaborate… *  Today was Squish’s promotion ceremony and both kids’ official last day of school. *sigh* * Wednesday is dance practice * Thursday is recital rehearsal–I’m a backstage volunteer and, when he gets back from his trip,… Read More

Kermit Flail–the Boys of Summer edition (June!)

on June 4, 2018

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Seriously folks, these last two months of Kermit Flail have been an embarrassment of riches–they’ve reminded me about how exciting it can be to work with other writers and how much fun it is to celebrate each other’s work in the best of ways. This month we’ve got some of my local folks on… Read More

The Beginning of Summer Crazies

on June 1, 2018

*  We went to see a friend’s son get his award from his swim banquet today. I really do miss how proud kids are of themselves sports and other activities in high school. *sigh* * On our way down and back I had Mate listening to Hamilton. “Isn’t it great?” I enthused. “It’s won several… Read More

Pierce and Hal Road Trip–On Our Way Home

on May 31, 2018

I was going to finish these guys off with this, but I think they get one more ficlet–possibly this week.  In the meantime, enjoy a little bit of road magic for Pierce and Hal. This one took a detour I did not expect. For folks new to the blog, this is one of several ficlets… Read More

Exploding Ice Cream

on May 29, 2018

So, another slow day–lots of writing, a little housework, some hang time with the fam. And this–the short, surprising tale of exploding ice cream: Chicken came by to do laundry–and then left again to play with friends and come back when her laundry was done. She walked in just as we were all eating Klondike… Read More

Recovery Weekend

on May 28, 2018

So, on Friday, Squish’s class had it’s sixth grade field trip and I got a good look at what teachers have been telling me since my daughter started school. This year’s sixth grade class is, uh, special. In the hide the ammunition and put padding on the sharp edges kind of way. In my entire… Read More


on May 27, 2018

So, I’m writing a story inspired by Mate’s trip to Germany with his friends. We were hanging out in the front room, I was in front of the computer, when the following happened: Me: So what was the road like on the way to the monastery? Mate: ? ? ? Me: You know, in Munich…. Read More

Out-gunned, out-manned…

on May 24, 2018

So, next on the “Lane family listens to Hamilton” update– We got to the “Say no to this…” part of the show and Squish is appalled. Shame on Alexander, shame! Also Amy (much to her/my embarrassment) finally got the fatal irony of “I’m not throwing away my/Shot!” and all I can say is, “Derp!”  Yeah,… Read More


on May 23, 2018

So, I was listening to Hamilton this morning. Yeah, I listened to it on the way up to Reno and the way back and now I’m just as hooked as the rest of America–sue me. Anyway–three things. 1. Squish and I sang our hearts out to “Right Hand Man” twice. Something about “Here comes the… Read More

Home Brain

on May 22, 2018

First of all, I can’t brain– but I am at home. RT was, as usual, sort of a whirlwind–and I was, as usual, thrilled to be a part of it at the same time it exhausted me. So a few observations here, and then I’m actually trying to do some work (yes, like writing and… Read More