Meow Meow Meow…

on March 5, 2020

So, I came into my writing desk last night at around eleven and Dewey was sprawled on a pillow by my feet, and we had the following conversation. “Meow,” I said, scratching his great carpet-like floor. “Hello, human,” he said. “Are you enjoying your evening? I am enjoying my evening. Ah, that is nice. Scratch… Read More

Kermit Flail–MARCH into Spring!

on March 2, 2020

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! Okay– SO much about March I like! BLC is in March, and Chicken and I leave in two weeks to go play with readers in Nashville! ZoomBoy’s play is in March, and we get to see that the weekend before we leave!  Shades of Henry is out at the END of March, and you… Read More

Abort! Abort! Brain overload!

on February 25, 2020

I have my rituals.  The television goes off, I get the dogs snack, I fill my cup with ice and fizzy water, and I sit down to do some thought clearing exercise (play phone games for 10 minutes) and then I write. And tonight was no different.  There I was, approaching my work station with… Read More

Minor Epiphany

on February 24, 2020

So, the kids had President’s Week and I have to admit–it passed sort of quietly. Each kid made plans to hang with their friends on different days, and I took Squish shopping–and then, so did her sister– and generally, I did my usual thing. (Hampered a little, admittedly, by all the activity in the living… Read More


on February 21, 2020

I don’t have many “meh” days. The kids actually ask me what I do during the day because I usually meet someone at the park, or someone in the pool, or see a meme or something that makes my day a little more interesting, and I just wouldn’t be Mom if I didn’t share. But… Read More

Imaginary Conversations and Real

on February 19, 2020

So, today I went shopping explicitly for snacks.  Me, to clerk: You know, I like how that bag of potato chips says, “Party size” when what they REALLY mean is “party of one teenager gaming all day on the couch.” Clerk: They really need to sell a size up for that. Also, I bought Lindor… Read More

Don’t Panic…

on February 17, 2020

She’s fine. There’s that moment in the Harry Potter movies, where Mrs. Macgonagal looks at Harry, Hermione and Ron and goes, “Why is it always you?” Ron replies, “Believe me, Professor–we ask ourselves the same question.” Geoffie. If anyone is going to get sick, it’s Geoffie. When she weighed three pounds she stepped on a… Read More

Valentines Day and Serendipity…

on February 14, 2020

Okay– so I wasn’t going to post today, I was going to write a story for Patreon, but the following happened. I’ve been working on a pair of socks and I’m so close to done–like, one good conversation and some Friday night TV close to done. But there was a sale on this super bulky… Read More

Lovefest 2020

on February 13, 2020

Oddly enough, everybody wanted to know about my day. Seriously–I have repeatedly told people, “I live a very uninteresting life!” and about six people asked–but, oddly enough, I have something to tell! For starters–last night, I thought I’d lost my fingerless mitts on my walk, and I was much depressed. šŸ™   This morning, on… Read More

When your native tongue is Lit Geek!

on February 11, 2020

Okay– so, sorry I didn’t report back last night. So. Tired. Also, I had to make up word count. But teaching at the East Bay chapter of RWA was a blast! Lovely, lovely authors–all of them kind and accepting, and I felt right at home. Their usual room was hijacked by somebody (there was much… Read More