The Backlist BA-dump-BUMP– March Style!

on March 16, 2016

Okay–I’m down to only a day late!  The Backlist Ba-dump-BUMP is here!  Now, the point of this feature is to have authors come on and actually talk about books from their backlist– maybe, for instance, you discovered Kim Fielding with Motel/Pool, but you didn’t know she also wrote historical fantasy as well.  And now you… Read More

Scorched Haven: Part 3 –The Road Trip Begins

on March 15, 2016

Okay, folks. Backlist Ba-Dump-Bump tomorrow, and in the meantime, I’ve got some Little Goddess for you.  (I work as Art Docent tomorrow– we’re doing trains! Yay!) I spent the evening finishing my Christmas story, so this is a little short–but it’s celebratory. I love it when I get a break from my queue! *  *… Read More

The Recovering Backlog

on March 14, 2016

I am officially three days late for everything– including spending time with my family, which is pretty much where I spent most of my weekend. Today there was lunch with Mate’s mom (whom I continue to adore, even if I couldn’t hug because I was still a little sick) and then we saw Zootopia, because… Read More

*Kermit Flail* March (And Friday!)

on March 12, 2016

So, some rather hoarse apologies from my couch. I’ve reached the nearly healthy but exhausted stage of the game here, and I figured I’d post Kermit Flail so the happy folks publishing this month can get to celebrating, and I can maybe get to my regularly scheduled life– cause I’m saying, Ick. Airborne. I need… Read More

Big N, Little Y, Big F–ing Q…

on March 11, 2016

Okay– tomorrow, I swear. I will do Kermit Flail tomorrow. I’m getting close to better–fever’s down a little, and I actually managed to run an errand and cook dinner without completely disintegrating. I needed a nap, but I didn’t disintegrate. So, for today’s blog, two things. A. The results of the errand: Were frickin’ adorable!… Read More

Mostly dead all day…

on March 9, 2016

Ugh! You know that thing when you get home from a trip and every airborne virus in  the airplane has attacked your lungs and you’re spiking a fever and at 102 you don’t make any sense but at 100.2 you can’t stand your own stench but you know if you get in the shower and… Read More

Not Dead Yet!

on March 8, 2016

Heya… So, uh, yeah. I ran away to Florida, and I brought my computer, but I did NOT bring my keyboard.  And I sat down to write at one point, and what I got was ” he uic rown ox ump over he azy o.”  Which should be “The quick brown fox jumps over the… Read More

A brief running away…

on March 3, 2016

Okay– so leaving for Florida in a few hours, and while I’ll have some downtime to blog etc, we all know the vagaries of travel.  My next chance to say hello or goodbye may be a few days away. Anyway– few things: A. My computer crashed last night. As in, complete reboot. As in Mate… Read More

The Blurting Thing

on March 2, 2016

Those of us with ADHD know this thing– the blurting thing. The urge to just open up our mouths and charge on through any social situation with a THING WE MUST SAY. Most of the time, this thing is not so socially appropriate. I remember being thirteen years old in church when suddenly I knew… Read More

George Orwell, Donald Drumpf, and American Politics

on March 1, 2016

*Note– I’m getting political, and I’m getting very very personally political about one particular candidate. If this offends you, by all means skip it, tomorrow I’ll talk about kids or housecleaning or knitting or my writing schedule or something innocuous and non-irritating, I hope. Today, I’m getting mouthy about politics–and I apologize. I try to… Read More