And Back in Bed…

on April 15, 2021

 This morning, Nebula was eating my face. You heard that right. Every morning, about seven–which is an hour before I get up–the cat bounds in with wet paws. Could be dew from his morning excursion, or it could be water from the dog bowl–we’ll never know. He purrs, he sticks his head under my hand,… Read More

The Saddest Dog in the World

on April 12, 2021

 Last night at 2:00 a.m., in a suburban neighborhood northeast of Sacramento, California, the following happened. A woman–large, squishy, middle-age-ish, climbs into the king-sized bed she shares with her spouse of 34 years, and immediately realizes something is missing. “Mate,” she says hesitantly, “Where’s the fuckin’ dogs?” “Wha?” he replies. “Why are there no dogs… Read More

A Modest Little Flail–April!

on April 5, 2021

 YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! So I’ve said this before–I’m not the most responsible of flailers. I do not, as it were, go out and flog for my flails–usually people just sort of ask me as the month progresses, and by Sunday night when I’m putting together my Kermit Flail, BOOM! There it is. But this month has been… Read More

All the Pretty Changes

on April 4, 2021

I’ve made no secret about my children having a rough year. My pictures from last year at this time–Easter, Squish’s birthday–mark a year in captivity, as it were, imprisoned by pandemic fear, depressed by a scary world. And while some things have gotten better, some things are getting better, and–you’ve all probably noticed–I’ve chosen to… Read More


on March 30, 2021

 Not too much going on lately–it’s been quiet in a good way. But I do have a few conversations for you: — Often, after I drive to the park, walk the dogs around the park and surrounding neighborhoods, and start the drive home, I will see Mate, who walks the extra three miles to and… Read More

Just in Time for Spring Break

on March 22, 2021

 So Mate and I both got our first shots–ftr (because everybody asks?) I got Pfizer, he got Moderna, and he’s been sleepy, bitchy, and achy for the last two days. I on the other hand have been just fine. Not that I’m not grateful–I mean, I had menopause during a pandemic, so I got to… Read More

We’re All Gonna Remember It Anyway

on March 15, 2021

 I didn’t want to talk about this because we can all finally see daylight–but somehow I have to. As a country, we probably have to. In January of last year, Mate went back east to see his father before his father passed. He came home and about a week later, I got sick. It felt… Read More

Kermit Flail–SPRING!

on March 2, 2021

 YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! Whew! So February is always the longest, most excruciating month of the year for me–but this is March and spring’s a coming! Let’s celebrate with some fantastic new reads, shall we? This month’s Kermit Flail is super exciting to me because some of my favorite people just sort of put marvelous books in my… Read More

Mate’s Hat

on February 25, 2021

 This is Mate. He is wearing the new hat I made him. The new hat is a wee bit too small, and made of alpaca, so it’s not very stretchy. I got the hat wet and put it on Mate’s head so it could stretch just big enough to fit Mate’s head. Mate does not… Read More

Pet Language

on February 24, 2021

 I think when my family looks back on the pandemic, we will remember our pets the most. We float around the house, afraid of too much contact. If we make too much contact we’ll rub each other the wrong way, and we MUST NOT DO THAT because we’re STUCK here in the same place, without… Read More