
And Then This Happened…

on August 26, 2015

So, yes, fan fiction tomorrow, I promise. See, my phone has been dying all day. Mate and I are trying to figure out why it’s not charging, hardly at all, and why it’s hemorrhaging power and bandwidth, but since I rely on it a lot, it’s been a pain in the ass. So, Mate called… Read More

A brief political interlude

on August 25, 2015

First off, I’m still writing some more on that SuperBat fic I started last night. I want to see what happens, and if your’e not in a political frame of mind, just blow right by this. Second of all–I’m not putting this out on social media, because I know it invites debate and anger. I’m… Read More

We Resume Our Regularly Scheduled Posts Tomorrow…

on August 24, 2015

Today, Mate and I had a sort of “nothing” day. I wrote– a lot. I cleaned off the kitchen table– a little.  We watched the following movies: Singing in the Rain, Nine to Five, The Gift, one episode of Frankie and Grace, the last episode of True Detectives (and dammit– I wanted them all to… Read More

You Got That Right…

on August 23, 2015

Mate was reading his phone this morning.  I came in and read over his shoulder. “Who’s that?” I asked. “Sports news.” “Bout whom?” He laughed, because, you know. I apparently don’t know my football players.  “Aaron Rodgers.  He’s a football player for Green Bay.” “Oh– did he get traded?” “No– he’s dating someone hot.” “Ooh…… Read More

The days when I was a bitch…

on August 21, 2015

They’re getting fuzzier, but I still remember them.  Those days when I was legendary for losing my temper, for shooting off my mouth, for pissing people off. I once dropped the F-bomb during a staff meeting in front of a state representative who was cheerfully explaining why we were going to fuck all of our… Read More

Moktar, God of Traffic

on August 20, 2015

Okay, Astrology fans– somebody tell me which planet or card or number rules transportation.  Then, if you’ve got the hookup and all, give them a solid punch in the ‘nads just for me. Today, the following happened: *  Mate got stuck in a granddaddy of all traffic jams before, during, and after dropping ZB off… Read More

So, I wonder what happened…

on August 19, 2015

I sorta kinda wrecked my knee a little– nothing doctor worthy, just need to rest, elevate, ice, and compress.  I bought a brace, and when it’s acting up, I wear the brace.  I did not baby it on Saturday, however, when I was wandering back and forth on the soccer field on opening day, and… Read More


on August 18, 2015

* Note– I hadn’t written an Amy’s Lane post this month, and after I finished this one, I realized that it would serve nicely. So yes. I’m triple posting it in my blog, at my website, and at the RRW site. Please don’t get mad at the repletion, kk? Every so often, my switch flips. All… Read More

So Long, Chicken…

on August 17, 2015

Squish, pinkening nicely in the heat.  Yesterday was Opening Day for soccer, and tomorrow morning, Chicken is leaving.  Today was sort of a lazy, doughnut kind of day, with a venturing out into the cauldron of hell that IS Sacramento so we could meet grandparents and Chicken could get one last chance to socialize with… Read More

Augh! Noooooo…

on August 15, 2015

So, I was working on a pair of socks for a friend, and I finished the first one. I had Zoomboy turn them on and… AUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Internet response was terrific and sympathetic– I’ve been given virtual chocolate, virtual kleenex, and lots of virtual hugs. And someone on FB told me to “put it in the… Read More