Me and Layovers

on September 11, 2019

So, I have learned. There is toothpaste, a toothbrush, and a change of underwear this time around. There’s even deodorant. I have yarn and my laptop. I made it to a hotel. There’s been food. Good food, in fact–but I forgot dessert and the need for chocolate is gonna haunt me, can’t lie. It wasn’t… Read More

The Cat is Upset

on September 11, 2019

Me: I’m almost done packing, hooray! Cat: *Climbs on top of the suitcase, spreads all four feet out, and extends claws*  You’ll never take me alive, copper! Me: Get off my suitcase you furry freak! I’m trying to get ready to leave! Cat: Fuck you! Nobody leaves me! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Me: *pets* You gonna miss me?… Read More

Boobington: The Musical

on September 10, 2019

So, I forgot my bra in my gym bag. Not earth shattering, I know, especially since I don’t necessarily have to get out of the car after I leave the gym. (Still, the longest walk to the parking lot, ever.) Anyway, unable to just gently sag in peace, I came back to the car and… Read More

So, it all started because…

on September 9, 2019

… the drier broke. It needs a new thermostat, and we may or may not get laundry done before I have to leave on a plane on Wednesday. Anyone who sees me Thursday, if I look like the bottom of the laundry basket, now you know. But the drier broke, and the last thing we… Read More

The Oaklet V1

on September 6, 2019

So, I met my cousins when I was back east, and I always forget–and I shouldn’t–how very much I love them. Anyway–I walked away willing us to be more in touch. I sent them books–although I don’t blame them if they don’t read them– and I decided I wanted to make them something. I’m making… Read More


on September 5, 2019

Okay–I’ll be honest. I was really excited to try pamplemousse flavored LaCroix because oh my God, what’s a pamplemousse? Turns out it’s a grapefruit– which, while I will probably still try it because I lIKE grapefruit, makes me even happier that I decided to buy the Buble, which was on sale, instead. And other than… Read More

Kermit Flail and a Celebration of “Henry

on September 3, 2019

First of all–YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I’ve got three great books for Kermit Flail, and considering I just remembered Kermit Flail like, Saturday afternoon that’s more than I deserve! I actually spent my weekend both very productively and very frustratingly. Productively because I ditched out on two public appearances, one Friday night and one Sunday afternoon, so I… Read More

Tuesday–I promise.

on September 2, 2019

Okay– so usually there is Kermit Flail on the first Monday of the month. I have problems though, when it’s a Monday holiday–I’ll be honest. I hope it’s okay if I make it Tuesday. I should make that a regular rule, right? But anyway– Tuesday it shall be–mostly because I’m pretty sure I can finish… Read More

Back to School Night

on August 30, 2019

So, if you have four children, each going to public school for thirteen years a piece, that’s a grand total of… *does math in head* FIFTY-TWO back to school nights that you and your spouse are bound to attend, plus or minus a few for the time one of the kids attended a block schedule… Read More


on August 29, 2019

So when I had Big T, my mother-in-law and I had not quite reached the understanding we had in those last years. But still, she showed up with books for me to read as I recuperated. Amanda Quick, Julie Garwood, Bertrice Small– I hadn’t read romance since college (admittedly not THAT far in my rearview… Read More