Where to start, where to start where to start…

on August 15, 2011

Okay– Canada was one helluva week–and I’m sure I couldn’t even remember everything I wanted to tell you even if I tried. Seriously–between the time I got off the plane home and now we’ve had: A. Picking up the kids B. An emergency edit–I shit you not! C. A visit to Mate’s relatives and a… Read More


on August 13, 2011

Whew! I’m glad to be home, but I sort of stepped off the bus and into the grind. They’re trying to move up the release date for Clear Water, and Alpha is out which needs some promo and, well, I actually have a new release today! Tomorrow or Monday I’ll put together my vacation post… Read More

I’m not dead…

on August 11, 2011

I’m just in Canada. Actually, I love it here–but I’ve been having a helluva time coping with a limited internet connection, and walking EVERYWHERE. I’ve got pictures–no worries, they will come–and some stories–lotsa stories, trust me! But right now, I’m a little tired, and a lot grateful–Alpha came out, and so far, so decent. People… Read More

A Solid Core of Alpha

on August 5, 2011

Okay, so I’m going on vacation with Mate. We’re leaving tomorrow, and we’ll be back on Thursday, and I may manage a post or two between now and then, but in the meantime, I’ve got a little thing like a book opening going on without me. And it’s kind of an interesting sort of book…. Read More


on August 3, 2011

I was just thinking about dreams. We all have them–things we’d do in a perfect world. Of course, by adulthood, we know that the world is not perfect, and even if we got what we think we wanted, we’d find that we wanted something else all along. This is not always true–sometimes, it’s EXACTLY what… Read More

Funny Little Things

on July 31, 2011

Just bizarre little stuff going on right now. I’m trying to finish a story by tomorrow–it was supposed to be a little novella, but weird stuff got in the way: *Took the kids to see The Smurfs on Friday–it was fun, but I invited the neighbor’s kids too. Fun, but nuts. On a good note,… Read More


on July 28, 2011

Okay– forgive me– I’ve got my cheezy metaphor of the day, and I’m going to run with it. When I was in high school/junior high, we lived in the same place my parents live now–it’s semi-rural, and my closest friends lived 4 and 4 1/2 miles away, respectively. My best friend was my bike–first a… Read More

Annnnd… they’re home.

on July 25, 2011

Yeah, I know– seems quick, doesn’t it? Me too. Didn’t stop me from worrying a little every day, and being REALLY grateful nothing major went down, but my mom says they had a blast–and I’m pleased. And what did I do with my time off? Mate and I saw two movies– Larry Crowne (it was… Read More

Alas, No Vampire Bears

on July 23, 2011

So my stepmom and my dad took the kids up to Camp Grandma’s this week (it’s what we call it–swear!) and Chicken couldn’t leave on Thursday with everyone else. She had referee class, and Mate and I told her we’d take her up Friday morning and stay and play with everyone. And we did. Now… Read More

Some Things You May Want To Know

on July 20, 2011

OKay– we’ll get to Modesto, but I’m gonna start w/book news. Those in it for the knitting and family, feel free to skim. * Let’s start with Alpha. Warning: This book is really fucking dark. I’m not a big fan of warnings–you see them all the time in my genre, a result of it’s roots… Read More