I Swear It To Be True

on July 25, 2010

First of all, Making Promises will be available at midnight tonight– WOOT! And second of all–this is the part you’ll have trouble believing… I have ACTUALLY been too busy to blog! Squish was performing in the fair (like her brother a couple of years ago and her sister for nearly ten years before her) so… Read More

Bits and Pieces

on July 23, 2010

And TODAY’S songworm is… Now, for anyone wondering what makes my songworm hall of fame, it’s usually anything that comes up on the iPod and I find myself singing out loud–for the next 24-36 hours. This one’s special. It showed up on the iPod and Chicken and I started singing it together at the top… Read More

Summer Days…

on July 21, 2010

And today’s songworm is… Okay– what I really wanted to show you was the two minutes of video that Chicken took of Squish playing… but, alas, there is a degree of technical knowhow involved in downloading Chicken’s camera that I am… well… Shit. For someone who blogs and publishes e-books, I am frighteningly ignorant of… Read More

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

on July 18, 2010

Okay, so, Friday morning, we were all ready to go, right? Everyone in the car? “Mom, dammit, get out of the bathroom, let’s go!” So, ready to go. I get into the car and put in the iPod and say, “Chicken, you ready for the song?” And Mate says, “What’s so special about this song!”… Read More

Do Not Open Until…

on July 16, 2010

August! But seriously– the picture was SOOOOOOOO purty. I mean… just… ADORABLE! And, well… Suggestive as all hell. Now I realize I write a certain kind of book. Where certain kind of things are going to happen. And pretty people are going to make naked music. I get this. But I sweartadog– SWEAR– that the… Read More

Gambling Men Part Six

on July 13, 2010

Guess what’s out tomorrow! No, not Making Promises, although it IS available for pre-order and is on the Coming Soon page! No, no– this is a much smaller release, but it is still sort of special, because, A. I just finished another shorty in the sequence, and so you know it’s not the last one…. Read More

Feeling a little bookish…

on July 12, 2010

(Okay– Truth in the Dark is getting LOTS of attention… I thought I’d point out that it wasn’t the ONLY thing I released in June. You know. In case anyone was wondering if there was something out there that I’d written and maybe, uhm, they hadn’t read? Well, this is probably that work. Just, like,… Read More

Shopping! (Not on a budget!)

on July 10, 2010

I took the kids to the pool today, which means that I go to my water aerobics class, then get the short people (and Chicken to help) and play for another hour. I came home and slept. I was supposed to take Chicken shopping for a dress for her friend’s Quincinara (sic) and I went… Read More

Good bye, buddy.

on July 7, 2010

You all saw this coming, didn’t you? I mean, we blew a royalty check on the fucking cat, and all it turned out to be was a pathetic gamble with more money than we really had that maybe, he’d get to live the full cat allotment and not have to check out early. But it… Read More

Happy 4th… now stop touching me!

on July 5, 2010

lolol! Okay– for some reason the title tickles me, even though it sort of blends a couple of things about my weekend. On Sunday, we cleaned the house. (Pauses for cheers and applause.) Yes, you heard me. We sort of had an agenda– company for Sunday night. Probably THE most boring 4th of July ever–… Read More