A Very Important Award

on May 24, 2019

So, kids are… inefficient communicators. ZoomBoy got a note that said he should be at the awards ceremony tonight. “Oh, you’re getting an award?” “I don’t know.” “What in?” “I don’t know.” Mate and I had eyeball conversations. “He’s getting an award?” “I don’t know.” “What in?” “I don’t know.” But we went, right? We’re… Read More

Well, We Made it Home!

on May 22, 2019

Of course coming home is always the best part of the trip for me–but seriously, that was some trip. Chicken and I got there Monday night, found some food, did some chill and fell asleep. Tuesday we were all about the French Quarter, including the ghost tour which was SO worth the money– our guide… Read More

The Eternal Box

on May 10, 2019

Squish had a parent/teacher meeting today–or rather a “Student Led Conference” wherein she showed me all of her work in her classes and what she was most proud of. She’s very clever, and I, of course, am very proud. But on the way home, Squish said, “Mom, why do you have to call me Squish… Read More

A Cure for the Derpies

on May 8, 2019

Today, I was listening to an audiobook as we were waiting for ZoomBoy, and I was engrossed–like, totally engrossed. ZoomBoy jumped in to the car and suddenly sputtered. “God, Mom, can I throw this out? This tastes awful!” “Sure, honey– wait! No– that’s the dog water! Wait–“ “You couldn’t have told me before I drank… Read More

The Most Dangerous Part of My Body

on May 7, 2019

So I almost broke the house with my ass this morning. I was really having a sort of weird day. I was having my morning “meeting”–which I am used to having in long, blissfully uninterrupted private. I got interrupted three times. Once by a phone call, twice by the pest control guy. The thing with… Read More

We’re so damned classy, I can’t believe it…

on May 6, 2019

So, Mate took the kids to a special dance practice today so they can perform at the Rivercats stadium this Friday. (For the record, that’s the trifecta of things to do this weekend when I’m supposed to be packing. RiverCats Friday, Soccer Saturday, Mother’s Day Sunday, pack Sunday night. I thought I’d mention that.) Anyway–I… Read More

Some Promotions are Good For the Soul

on May 3, 2019

So, I’ve discovered as I progress that I’m actually not an island. I am, in fact, part of a NUMBER of writing organizations–and I’ve been blessed. So two of my groups have promotions going on and I thought I’d talk about them. The PRG– The Paranormal Romance Guild is having a membership drive in May–and… Read More

Ass Deep In Alligators–a riff

on May 1, 2019

Okay, so the number of things I’m working on is outnumbered only by the number of things I SHOULD be working on but can’t get to. A. Editing Fish 4 B. Finishing Fall Games C. Writing the class for Fiction Haiku D. Answering an e-mail that’s two weeks overdue E. (laughs hysterically) Newsletter that’s six… Read More

Kermit Flail– April/May HURRAY!

on April 29, 2019

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I’m so excited to be back with Kermit Flail! I’ll admit– this spring has just WHEEEEEEEE!!!! Gotten away from me, and at the beginning of April, I hadn’t sent out any notices and everybody else was just as busy as I was so we all just sort of spaced Kermit Flail altogether. But I… Read More

The Bottom Five

on April 26, 2019

Okay– So I wasn’t doing much today– or rather I was busy but I didn’t care who saw me. Walk the dogs, go to the post office, pick up the kids, go grocery shopping, cook dinner– that sort of thing. Nevertheless, I did draw the line at that one wardrobe item… I mean, battered T-shirts–yes…. Read More