What the dragon hatched…

on September 8, 2009

Okay, folks, I’ve admitted this before: I’ve got my head stuck up my WIP and it’s hard to yank it out. That being said, I thought I’d give sort of a teaser for this WIP. Now, it’s not Little Goddess (but I’ve got a Jack and Teague planned for Thanksgiving) and it’s not Bitter Moon… Read More


on September 6, 2009

Yup… my 801’st post. Cool! Too bad I don’t have anything REALLY profound… but, you know, at least we can say I AM a veteran blogger–doesn’t 801 posts qualify for that? I am actually taking a little break from my WIP today–Deacon and Declan broke my heart in the worst way yesterday, and as much… Read More

To Clarify…

on September 4, 2009

OKay–I’ve officially decided the whole pirating thing (at least in this case) doesn’t chafe all that much, but in order to explain why, I should probably make my position clear on the whole thing. A. I know any sort of piracy is illegal.B. I know most of us do it in one form or another–even… Read More

Hard up…

on September 1, 2009

Okay, so I was at the park with Ladybug, waiting for school to get out so I could pick up Chicken and Cave Troll. It was a nice day–high eighties, low nineties, with a nice breeze, and Ladybug was looking especially cute (not acting that way, but you can’t get everything) and I was happy…. Read More


on August 31, 2009

Okay, you know. Because I’m a teflon duck, right? Seriously–thank you to everyone who has been supportive and kind and wonderful as I “ACCKKKKK!!!” my way through another bout of misguided literary criticism. I’ve put out five books and written the equivalent of seven (since I’m going to release Jack and Teague as a book,… Read More

I mean REALLY!

on August 29, 2009

I’ve got some fun stuff after I go off on a nasty rant about my own personal troll-heifer who has gathered up a passel of cronies and started trashing me on Goodreads. I mean, really? Who buys the high priced sequels to a book they’ve only given one star to? Either an idiot or a… Read More

A brief digestive filk…

on August 28, 2009

I owe this one to a forum buddy with the handle ‘Meaty Ogre’, who stated “Oh, I love chameleons! The flavor changes constantly as I chew! I especially love to find them hiding in Bat Guano because it has that musky flavor of Gray Poupon!” The rest of this sort of wrote itself:-) Oh I… Read More

Filking Therapy

on August 27, 2009

Thanks all, for your kind words… someday, I will have a thicker skin and a healthier outlook on this ‘critics who have the right to be rabid badgers’ sort of thing, sweartadog, but in the meantime, it’s wonderful to know I’ve got friends. In the meantime, I did a little filking on KTT (one safe… Read More

Honeymoon is over…

on August 25, 2009

A few of you know that this situation is depressing me. I’m trying to develop some thicker skin, but, well, see for yourself. She’d make that rock thing from Marvel feel like a baby bunny. And in other news? My fourth period–loud, crappy grades, happy–you know, my favorite sort of class? I’ve been promised that… Read More

Sundays Can Be Random Too

on August 24, 2009

* True Blood was on tonight. My love for Eric Northman may never eclipse my love for Dean Winchester, but until Dean shows up and kicks Satan’s ass, it will have to do. And I can live with that. * I spent much of my day sleeping, some of it reading, some of it knitting,… Read More