More adventures with boys and gas….

on April 24, 2019

So Sacramento usually has one transition week between winter and summer–one real “spring” like week, where the weather is perfect 75 degrees, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the weather is A-OK. Yeah– that week happened when we were in San Diego–too bad, so sad, it’s 93 or higher from now on,… Read More

The Truth About Steve

on April 23, 2019

Ah, returning to normal is a pain in the ass. Why can’t we just work out in the pool and read ALL DAY? I used to think that’s what this job was all about, but now there’s sending letters and making decisions and… *grumble* Anyway– So, this evening, ZoomBoy came and gave me a hug… Read More

Simply a lovely day…

on April 22, 2019

I admit, one of the things that has changed over the years is my complete obsession with taking a thousand pictures. I am much happier in the moment than behind the camera–and the kids have grown big enough that they don’t change from week to week. However now that Big T has a new girlfriend,… Read More

A few notes on travel

on April 19, 2019

 Wow. It’s funny– we keep saying, “We’re just going to go down there and relax,” but, uh, we seem to be doing an awful lot. Monday was a little scary– ZoomBoy had a fever and as nice as the time share is, I was thinking, “Okay, gonna spend a whole lot of time here.” But… Read More

A wee bit busy…

on April 16, 2019

Okay– so social media a little thin on the ground in recent days. Let me give you a rundown. We left for San Diego yesterday around eleven o’clock. Friday, I got the kids home and cleaned the house a little. Saturday Squish had soccer and then we cleaned the house did laundry and Squish napped… Read More

And… kids.

on April 12, 2019

So, I made this sort of handy thing– a pouch for my wallet and phone while I’m walking which has the earbuds stitched into it so I can stop losing them and they don’t get tangled. Trust me, this is all a big deal for me, because I’m a dork. Squish wants one. Now, you… Read More

ZoomBoy ho!!!!

on April 10, 2019

A short post tonight–I spent some awesome time chatting with a friend over Skype so awe could crochet– believe it or not this was a big deal for me! Anyway– ZoomBoy. Today Chicken and I went to Target today to buy chocolate. Almost completely chocolate–for kids. For fun. And Easter. Because I won’t have time… Read More

A little moment of being married…

on April 9, 2019

So, Mate and I stayed up late tonight to watch the last two… who am I kidding. The last four episodes of Hanna.  We loved it, you should see it, but then I loved the original with Billy Crudup (I think) as Erik Heller as well, and, well, Joel Kinnamen, be still my heart.  Also,… Read More

Birthday Parties

on April 8, 2019

I have to admit–I’m mom-the-suck at birthday parties. For Chicken, once, we invited half her class ice skating and only got family. For Big T, we had all of family and friends here to break a piñata, and it turned out the piñata was his friend and seeing it broken sort of ripped his little… Read More

A Break? Anyone? Anyone?

on April 5, 2019

So, I am frequently in awe of the universe giving to you exactly what you need whether you ask for it or not. I do a lot of long-term planning–and believe it or not, for all my SQUIRREL! tendencies, it was a thing I was pretty good at even in my teaching days–as long as… Read More