Bad blogger…bad!

on March 11, 2008

I’ve been a bad blogger–and I’m so very sorry. The problem is, I’ve been blogging from school, and I wanted to give pictures, but I couldn’t because, well, I was blogging from school! But the odds of me blogging from home, giving the chronic unrest of the short people these days is decreasing by the… Read More

The Frog Pond

on March 9, 2008

The forces that drove me to knit in the car in front of the pet store today were many. I managed to write three of the four synopsis, but it took a lot of yelling, pouting, screaming and weeping on my part. The children were getting used to ducking and the spouse…well, let’s just say… Read More

Your attention please:

on March 9, 2008

For everyone who has looked at a size 1 dpn and thought that the airlines were nuts, it’s damned impossible to use that dull thing to penetrate flesh? Until 2 minutes ago, I was one of you. I was wrong. *whimper* OUCH! *whimper*

I’m bad…

on March 7, 2008

So very bad. I was gonna kill someone and then fall asleep and forget about it. I hated my job, the students, the book, and crap, I was even hating Almighty Freakin’ Emerson. And then it happened. We had two fouled up schedules in a row, and the smallest gear on my sposta snapped, and… Read More


on March 5, 2008

Okay, so I have to summarize all four of the books in four pages a summary–and I’m stressing. Seriously stressing. I have become the worst version of myself, sleep deprivation, snarling at the family, spacing out at work, et. al., and even though I would probably need these synopses would be needed if I wanted… Read More

A paradox in a song.

on March 3, 2008

I knew today was going to suck. My weekend was…exasperating. I never got that work done. I flat out didn’t. So here it is, in my e-mail box, perhaps the opportunity that I’ve been waiting on for the last four years and… And I can’t answer the door because I’m getting a bottle for a… Read More

Sneaky evil with ultimate cool…

on March 2, 2008

Okay, first of all, I should be writing a cover letter…I have a (sort of? maybe?) agent who has a (kind of? maybe?) line on a publisher who (may? perhaps?) would like to publish my already self-published books. Perhaps, you can see why posting on my blog is sort of a sneaky-evil relief from that… Read More


on February 29, 2008

So, I finished the scarf for the student who DOES like me–it came out wonderfully, and, just to prove that making them stuff isn’t a complete waste of time and energy, she was SOOOOOO grateful–the whole thing made me feel good. What also made me feel good was that I’d fixed her up with my… Read More

A Day with Cave Troll and Ladybug

on February 26, 2008

One of the things I’ve discovered I like about blogging, is how it serves as a time capsule for those days that might otherwise get lost in the busy-ness that is life in the mommy-lane, professional or otherwise. To that end, since my beloved beautifuls have done some very charming/irritating things in the last week,… Read More