
on February 4, 2019

Well, I’m ALMOST to the point of not panicking. Almost. I do have to admit–I “bailed on Saturday. All of it. All of Saturday. I bailed.”  This means that I didn’t do soccer and I didn’t go to the dress rehearsal at Raley Field for dance on Saturday and we didn’t go out. Mate took… Read More

Under water again…

on February 1, 2019

So, WAY underwater this week. Like… *waves while drowning* But tonight, as I was working, my friend’s chat window pops up and I’m like, “Hey, I can talk to Rayna–“ And at that moment, in the dead silence of the house, Mate starts screaming “OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!” I run down the hallway,… Read More

Yes, it’s for you!

on January 30, 2019

So, before the weird  Christmas knitting binge started, I was working on a sweater for Mate. I’ve actually made some progress on it–it’s in the place where I do the body, so it’s essentially around and around and around and around and around until I want to gouge my eyeballs out with a crochet hook…. Read More

Not a Brave Little Soldier

on January 29, 2019

Very short entry today–very short stories! So, this starts on Saturday, which was sort of a magical day in a way. Told my parents Squish was having a soccer game, and they’d been planning to take the older kids out to dinner and we’d been planning to go out to dinner, so we ALL went… Read More

Things Heard in My House Today

on January 28, 2019

Mate: I am surrounded by dogs. Me: They’re like big furry fireflies. It must be magical to be you. Mate: So magical. *  *  * Squish, barging into the bathroom by mistake. I am there, and so is Steve the cat, and Geoffie and Gibbs, the smollest of smol dogs.  “Oh. Sorry.”  *looks at all… Read More

Regret Me Not in Paperback

on January 25, 2019

Regret Me Not –Paperback Edition By Amy Lane Pierce Atwater used to think he was a knight in shining armor, but then his life fell to crap. Now he has no job, no wife, no life―and is so full of self-pity he can’t even be decent to the one family member he’s still speaking to…. Read More

Late for Pointe

on January 24, 2019

So Squish had soccer today–and then was going to go to pointe. At four o’clock she started to cry–helpless little sobs. “Honey?” “Mom. It’s like all my teachers gave me extra homework just because they know I have no life on Wednesday night!” “That’s okay hon. You don’t have to go to pointe class. Dad… Read More

Cross Your Fingers

on January 23, 2019

So, a little worried tonight– ZoomBoy’s cat, Newt-Dewey hasn’t been around all day and after Gordie   did that and then showed up mostly dead, well, we’re worried. Newt-Dewey is what I call him–he looks like my friend’s old cat, whom she named Newt after the character in Aliens who didn’t speak. This Newt was… Read More

Batman’s Hot Cousin–Part 5: Letting Go

on January 22, 2019

Did you all have a good weekend? Mine was quiet–but productive. I’m ALMOST through an edit that may end my life–but the point is, I’m almost through it. Anyway– the edit is non-fiction and I’m dying to write fiction and my solution? Fanfic on the blog. Are we ready for the finale of Batman’s Hot… Read More

Batman’s Hot Cousin–Part 4 –The Dream

on January 21, 2019

Some fanfic tonight because I am DESPERATELY tired of editing. * * * Bruce–known as Bryson–Wayne surveyed his employees in the R&D division with exasperation. Joy Connors was a sharp woman, in her fifties, personable and kind–she was in charge of the beauty and hygiene departments and oversaw nearly a hundred employees. Carla Li–barely thirty… Read More