Kermit Flail–September Morning!

on September 4, 2017

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Hey all– we made it to September, right? The sun didn’t cook us dead– that’s something! Seriously–I’m glad the kids are back in school, but at the same time, I miss them. The last two weeks have been lonely–but soccer season has started and life is getting busy–I think it’ll be okay! And of… Read More

Rainbow Fest

on September 4, 2017

 So, I know that somewhere out there, a straight person is going, “Huh. Rainbow Fest. Why do THEY need a celebration all their own?” Well, the obvious answer is THEY need a safe space to celebrate being THEMselves in a world that is often harsh to people whom are deemed different. But the less obvious… Read More

Jack and Teague and Katy

on September 1, 2017

 So, I’ve got Kermit Flail on Monday to remind you all about this, but since Kermit Flail should be mostly about other people, I thought these guys should get their own post! Some of you know that I took two breaks from the Little Goddess series. There was the big-ass long one between Rampant and… Read More

Solve for X

on August 31, 2017

So, ZoomBoy and the phone have been working out well. ZoomBoy, this morning as Squish and I are leaving: Mom, I’m going to have detention. Me: Why? ZB: I forgot my math book. Me: Would you like me to bring it to you? ZB: Please! It’s in the basket of clothes near my bed. Me:… Read More

As I sit here typing…

on August 30, 2017

*  The TV is on… because it’s a “new” (hand-me-down-from-Mate’s friends) TV, I have no idea where the remote is, and turning it off is about to become an intimate meld between writer and machine. I hope my computer doesn’t think I’m cheating on it… cross your fingers… I’m going in… *  The following was… Read More

Hot Dogs

on August 29, 2017

So, once I saw that aqua was canceled–so that the instructor might not become a grease spot on the pavement, I think–I hunkered down and tucked in. I had some stuff I should have done–not gonna lie–but I figured tomorrow is going to be 104, and that’s close to civilized, so we’ll deal with that…. Read More

And about that weather…

on August 28, 2017

First of all, I feel like I should say something about normalcy. I recognize the times we are living in are not normal. I recognize that the festering cum-stain on a shit-fly’s ass who occupies the presidency is… horrible. Putrescence. Bile. I recognize that 85% of the people who voted for him are disgusting examples… Read More

Mom’s a Flake, but We Knew That

on August 25, 2017

Me: Oh crap–I can’t find the keys.  Squish: Mom, the Tile! Me: Yeah, here, you want to do it? Squish: Uh, Mom? Me: What? Squish: The keys are outside? Me: Crap. Give me the phone.  I need to call your dad to come unlock the car.  Squish: Cool. I”m gonna go watch YouTube.   Seriously–… Read More


on August 23, 2017

A super quick story tonight–but a good one. So, was making dinner when Squish got home from practice. Her dad had to go run an errand, so there I was, finishing dishes and stirring the pot, when she starts a series of complicated maneuvers that most women will recognize from some point in their lives:… Read More

A Brief Story About the Eclipse

on August 22, 2017

So, this morning ZoomBoy woke me up and said, “Guess what, Mom! I made you a cereal box viewer!” And I got to my desk, and there it was, a stunning replica of the two he and Squish had made the day before. I was very touched. I could now view the little sunspot of… Read More