In the Neighborhood

on May 18, 2017

Quick one tonight–I’m on a roll. So, I was walking my dogs (shocked, we are, Amy–because you do this six days a week) and on the approach side of the giant, mile-long loop, there was a GINORMOUS HOUND. Like an English Mastiff or a pit bull or something that was taller than his person when… Read More

A few random moments…

on May 17, 2017

So, partly we’re doing the same-ol, same-ol here–Mom the taxi service and Mom the writer both vie for the same time slot. But still– the same-ol has it’s appeal, and since Mate and I are driving up to Oregon this weekend to attend my cousin’s wedding, the same-ol’ same-ol’ is sort of a welcome respite… Read More

Manny Get Your Guy– Coming Soon

on May 16, 2017

Manny Get Your Guy by Amy Lane The Mannies Starting over and falling in love. Tino Robbins’s sister, Nica, and her husband, Jacob, are expecting their fifth child. Fortunately, Nica’s best friend, Taylor Cochran, is back in town, released from PT and in need of a job. After years in the service and recovering from… Read More

A weekend of rest…

on May 15, 2017

Mate takes a family selfie before we leave for movie tonight. So… Thursday night I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy with Mate, and it was AWESOME, and we’ve been listening to the soundtrack all weekend, but we didn’t get a lot of sleep, cause, you know, out late, so it was good that we… Read More

Old Theater Stories…

on May 12, 2017

Okay– so this FB post is hilarious and if you’re on FB, by all means click the link and read for DAYS. Anyway– I tried to post my own theater story at the end of it, because I did theater from 6th grade until my sophomore year in college.  I LOVED theater, but I wasn’t… Read More

And Today I’m Made of Sleep

on May 11, 2017

Wow–so I went to work out today and I didn’t expect it to destroy my life. But I’m falling asleep with no writing done and that hardly seems fair. So I will leave you with a few observations made during my day, and then either wake up completely wand write or go to bed and… Read More

I may survive…

on May 10, 2017

Oi, yesterday was long. But one of those magic things happened in the plane–I used the plane wifi for a couple of hours before my phone got to about half-charge, and then I stuck to Kindle, and in that time, we switched to  CMT. So, little beknownst to ME, the time  on my phone was… Read More

More captions– RT17 Wrap up–and a yarn store!

on May 7, 2017

So the pictures are on automatic random– which means we’re going from parts of Thursday night to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in just any order ever! If it helps, the 20’s party was Th, the awards were Friday, and the signing and Fantastic Day party were Saturday. And the yarn store and lunch with my… Read More

The Keith Milano Foundation

on May 4, 2017

Hey all– So this post is about Thursday night’s event, which is a benefit for the Keith Milano Memorial Fund. I’ve been a part of this in one way or another every year, and it’s always a joy to know I’m participating in something that does some good. Each year I donate the proceeds for… Read More

RT 2017 So Far…

on May 4, 2017

Okay– so a little tipsy– I think I’m going to do a quick post of mostly captions here. I’ve had an amazing two days. This is the prize table for Cinema Craptastique last night–a LOT of amazing authors gave some great stuff, and we had the most fun giving it away while talking shit about… Read More