*Kermit Flail* December Style!

on December 7, 2015

Wow– is it DECEMBER already? Seriously? Man– this year. *shakes head*  Don’t even get me started! But I’m sort of excited to end this year with a bang– I’ve got some awesome new and new to you authors!  Therese Woodson has graced this feature before, and she looks like she’s got a fascinating look at… Read More

Mom! Mom! Mom!

on December 7, 2015

Mom! Mom! Mom! It’s morning– we have to get the kids to school, and then get our coffee and our sausage patty and then go home and get WALKIES! OH NOES! There are no kids going to school? We get no rides? No coffee? No sausage patty? NO WALKIES? You are going to leave us… Read More


on December 5, 2015

Hello all– I have to say, it’s fun when you guys lobby for your favorite couples. The lobbying for SuperBat was FIERCE today– via this link RIGHT HERE  as was the lobby for Cartinski, with some awesome pictures. I’m going with the Cartinski– and if you had any idea how many times I flipped back and… Read More

So… much… random…

on December 4, 2015

Indoor soccer–through the heavy duty plexiglass This first part is to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas… somewhere around the swans. Or the drummers. Or the maids. Or the maids fucking the drummers in front of the swans… whatever. You all know the tune… And on the third day of December, I had… Read More

How we decided to roofie Santa…

on December 3, 2015

Okay, somedays are lived on Twitter. That doesn’t mean I spend my entire day there, but it means that the highlights are short, pithy, and, well, sort of trivial. (I’m going to diverge from my topic for a moment and say that it terrifies me how many political movements catch fire at 140 characters a… Read More


on December 2, 2015

So I sent Chicken a picture of the dogs on their walk one morning, to which she replied, “Look! Two assholes, straining!” They have been “Assholes!” ever since. *  *  * This morning I dropped Squish off and took Geoffie in for her bi-yearly exam. Yeah, I think it’s overkill for a dog too–and I… Read More

The thing about Mate…

on December 1, 2015

So, you all read yesterday’s post, and the general consensus is that Mate is a hero. I’m down with that shit. And here’s the thing. I’m a feminist. I’m all about division of labor. I’m totally against me doing most of the housework–and I don’t. But when my husband comes home for ten minutes between… Read More


on November 30, 2015

Okay– so, mortification. You know that terrible feeling that a stranger just saw your unmentionables? You walk out of the bathroom, your skirt’s in your pantyhose, you’re on your period, and the whole world just got a doubleshot of your least favorite view of yourself? Yeah. That. So, Squish was sick last night– twice. And… Read More


on November 29, 2015

It’s funny– people ask me all the time how I can write so “real”. Where do I get my details? How do I ground everything so physically? Fact is, I always think I skimp on some of the yuckier details. My writing is often optimistic– I think real life is much more Immortal or Bells… Read More

Before the Riot

on November 28, 2015

Sorry this is actually on Saturday– I’m afraid the holidays caught up with me and I was actually sort of sick.  But I DID write you fanfic–  and I thought I’d tell you that Vulnerable is available for FREE from DSPP today  and that Winter Ball is available for presale from DSP (at 35% off!). … Read More