
Waiting for Waiting?

on March 9, 2011

Okay, I don’t know what’s wrong with blogger, but the damn thing seems to be freezing my computer–but only when I log onto MY page. Folks, speak up–if that big honkin’ picture of the happiness twins (otherwise known as my children beating the holy hell out of each other on a cliff) is freezing EVERYONE’S… Read More

Status Report

on March 6, 2011

* Writing —Yearning is selling okay– it will help, I think, when the book comes out at amazon.com and ARe–I’ll let you know what that happens. In the meantime, the link I just posted will get you to the Torquere website, and they have Kindle and Nook compatible formats available there. –Living Promises is COMPLETE…. Read More

Whaddya bring me, mommy?

on March 4, 2011

Not a damned thing. Okay– see, here’s the thing. I’ve had the chance to be at home recently, and much to my surprise… I’m okay at it. I knit, I play with Squish, we do workbook stuff, I write professionally, I take walks, I’m going back to the gym (long goddamned story on how that… Read More

At the Zoo

on March 1, 2011

I do believe it’s true… Are you looking at that sunshine in those pictures? The incandescent blue of a February sky? It was an awesome, amazing, lovely day at the zoo. I’m so glad we went. The unexplained teenager in the pictures is my daughter’s friend, Stivie (so we’ve got Steve the cat and Stivie… Read More

Small Humans

on February 27, 2011

Okay– I admit it. Today is all about Squish. It’s going to be short because we’re going to the zoo in San Francisco tomorrow (okay, why it’s tomorrow and not on Friday, when we had a monsoon until 11 a.m. but blue skies after that is sort of a story in it’s own, one in… Read More

Hasn’t it been a while since we had a random meme?

on February 25, 2011

Okay, so I spent the day with my kids, + two–and yes, I borrowed them from the neighbor. Poor baby– everyone send good thoughts to her, she’s having one motherfucker of a pregnancy. She can’t keep shit down, barely gets out of bed–anyway, she’s got a nine year old who was being home schooled, and… Read More

Gotta crawl, gotta crawl…

on February 22, 2011

I was sitting here, answering a friend’s e-mail, when suddenly my strong, beautiful, Chicken hauls off and whacks my shoulder with all of her considerable strength. “What in the FUCK?” “It was the world’s ugliest bug, mom! I had to kill it!” Now neither of us are usually the squeally girl type, but suddenly, she… Read More

Upon Being a Weenie

on February 19, 2011

SERIOUSLY nothing to report here, except it’s raining. It’s raining, and that gazunga car bill did NOT go toward fixing our air conditioner, which means there’s no defrog, and every trip I take in the car is a nightmare of wiping off the inside windshield and trying to put together the road in front of… Read More

Mordred’s Lullaby

on February 16, 2011

My current songworm is posted below– it’s called Mordred’s Lullaby and it’s by Heather Dale, and I used the Prince Nuada clip just because it’s really frickin’ creepy. Anyway, the song is about how Morgause shaped her son (and pretty much ruined him) from birth by whispering terrible, insidious things to him as he slept…. Read More

The Day of Love

on February 14, 2011

So, business first, Truth in the Dark was awarded that purty little button fromJoyfully Reviewed — I’m so very proud! And, I’m not sure I posted these here–I put them up on Facebook, but not here: These are from Love Romance Cafe for Keeping Promise Rock–the Runner Up is for best contemporary, and the Winner… Read More