
Since you all insist…

on May 21, 2008

(and thank you so much for insisting…) Okay, here’s the deal. I talked a lot about ‘Goddess Stories’ in the first book–and not at all in the second. I did this on purpose. I wanted to prep everybody for ‘Triane’s Son’ and ‘Oueant’s Son’ to be in their own Goddess story, so to speak. And… Read More

Pieces, picking up…

on May 19, 2008

* First of all, I”m overdue for a me-me from Knit-tech–I haven’t forgotten you, darling, I’m just distracted. I’ll get there:-) * Second, I finally managed to post my package to my blogoversary winner–here’s hoping she’s not disappointed. She got signed books and yarn (the yarn was, fortunately, not signed;-) and some goodies for the… Read More

Tired Bananas

on May 18, 2008

Well, Fungus, god of podiatry has been partially appeased by two days of keeping my foot iced–I can walk again, and, in fact, went for a walk today, which felt wonderful. (Until I got back, that is, but we shall not speak of that.) Of course, I got home soaked in sweat! Our temperature has… Read More

Unfortunately, my foot’s still attached to my ankle.

on May 13, 2008

Okay–I seriously violated the 4F’s of foot care–I’m Fat, over Forty, Flat-Footed, and on Mother’s day, I wore Flip-Flops. In doing so, I must have seriously pissed off Fungus, the minor god of Podiatry, because I am in some serious, mojo-busting pain. It has improved a little since yesterday–I’ll give it that. Yesterday, after sitting… Read More

Happy Mum’s day:-)

on May 11, 2008

I had a good one–I got to sleep in… (the ginormous Jedi-knight battle going on in the living room didn’t count. I wasn’t called upon to officiate, so it really was considered ‘sleeping in’. Besides, those were happy screams, and I can sleep through those.) I got presents. (Supernatural, Season 1. Jensen…mmmm….) We saw a… Read More

Enough of that Crap!

on May 9, 2008

I could only let yesterday’s self-indulgent angst-fest stay up for one day–sorry about that–I try to only do that every so often, and, it being Friday, I’m gonna blame it on my students. Sometimes self-involved whining just spreads–I’ll try to take my immunity boosters of cynicism and self-awareness on a regular basis to try to… Read More

An odd source of tension…

on May 8, 2008

Okay–usually my inner world is more exciting than this. Usually, my brain is sort of pinging from moment to moment and place to place–music, television, movies, books–you name it, I’m thinking about it and, hoocha hoocha hoocha–lobster! (For those of you who don’t follow Eddie Izzard, I just mangled a truly great bit there. Really…. Read More

Low Tech, High Drama

on May 7, 2008

I know some of you all can do the random number generator (ahem, Julie!) but I went low tech, printed out your comments, ripped them into separate slips with your names on them, folded them into little pieces, and had the Cave Troll fish one out of a shoe box. The Cave Troll was thrilled–he… Read More

Bad blogger…bad…

on May 6, 2008

WHOOOOSH… Wow. I”m so blown away by how many comments I got–I mean, I know some of you get 20+ every day, but, GEES… for me that’s big mojo! (Of course the free stuff had a lot to do with it!) Anyway, the reason I’m a baaaaaad blogger is that I didn’t put a closing… Read More