Quick Bites

on August 7, 2019

Me to Squish: So, I think we might be able to go shopping at Old Navy on Thursday for school clothes–good? Squish: I don’t know how that would work, Mom. There’s, you know. The red wave. Me: *puzzled* Republicans are invading Old Navy? Squish: … Me: … Oh. We can go next Monday instead. Squish:… Read More

Kermit Flail– Those Boys of Summer!

on August 5, 2019

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phew!  Okay– so yes. July was insane. There was RWA and giving classes and taking classes and not winning the RITA (I am actually not bitter about this–the winner was charming, and the night was so obviously bigger than me!) and finishing books and starting books–it’s been busy around here! It’s also been hot–so… Read More

Evolution TV

on August 1, 2019

I am trying to turn the television off. That’s it. Just off. Mate: Okay, so take that one–the red one–and go all the way to the right. Me: Done. Mate: Now click the power off button. Me: Done. Mate: Now the other remote– Me: I can get it from here. Mate: Well you seem to… Read More

Wow. Just… You know. Wow.

on July 31, 2019

So I know some of you keep up with me on FB and were probably not surprised to see I didn’t blog for more than a week. Some of you have probably been wondering where I’ve been. Let’s start with the obvious. A. I didn’t win the RITA for best short romance.  For the record?… Read More

Jai/George Part 7–Good Morning to You!

on July 19, 2019

So a quick installment tonight before the weekend. Remember, I’m taking off Monday morning for New York, so this is going to have to tide us over! *  *  * Good Morning to You!  George slept in sort of a half-aroused fever dream, engulfed in the arms of a giant who kept him warm and safe… Read More


on July 18, 2019

To make it perfectly clear, I was going to write some Jai/George tonight. I was excited about writing some Jai/George. They were gonna go round two. I was gonna blow your minds with it, I swear. I was celebrating you see–because that edit that was giving me hell two weeks ago came back, and my… Read More

Warm Heart–Now Available!

on July 16, 2019

So, I’m sure nobody who’s followed me for any length of time will be surprised to know I love me some action adventure mixed with my romance. I love shows where there are fight scenes and survival scenes and hunting down bad guys (not in this book, but still!)  I love the snark and the… Read More

Don’t Slow Down–Jai/George Part 6

on July 15, 2019

So, continuing on from where we last left off… warning, this is a little more explicit than my other sex scenes. Uh, enjoy? *  *  * “Slower?” George panted, struggling minimally with Jai’s binding grip on his wrists. “But I want faster?” Jai chuckled and shifted between George’s legs. George’s breath caught. Naked. They were… Read More

Getting to Know You…Jai/George Part 5

on July 11, 2019

It’s been a while since I visited Jai and George–I seem to remember there about to be sex… Which I may not get to tonight–but I WILL get to it. * * * George could barely contain himself enough to sit down, but Jai insisted. He’d cooked dinner, was plating it up on camp plates,… Read More

Bitch Please…

on July 9, 2019

Okay, so the house has been taken over by Ru Paul’s Drag Race. I’m not even kidding. Chicken started out by bringing it to the teenagers while I was shopping last week, and by the time I caught on to what was going on in my house, the kids were hooked. After a bumpy season–which… Read More