Poor Mate

on October 16, 2018

Once again, Mate got home exhausted, just when I was ready to stay up and work. I sent him to bed, and sat down to my news feed and found something that made me laugh. And I needed to share it with my Mate. “Mate! Mate! Are you still awake?” “Mmfffine, here, whazzzouwant?” “No, I… Read More

Long Weekend

on October 15, 2018

Today was sort of awesome because we did very little. But yesterday… Yesterday was a tournament, which meant we were there all day, cheering the girls to… well, we tied once. Yay! Other than that it was all, “Well, I don’t know what happened.”  *sigh*  The girls are fine, but Mate doesn’t take it well…. Read More

That Sort of Day…

on October 12, 2018

So, it’s been that sort of day… … the sort of day in which two orders at KFC result in three sodas, neither of them the diet pepsi your friend asked for when we sat at the speaker. …the sort of day in which you realize your love/hate attachment to the Conjuring movies stems from… Read More

All Hail the Victory Poop!

on October 9, 2018

Short blog tonight! I finished String Boys–it was 122k, so not short– and I will probably submit it tomorrow, but for tonight, I just stood up and wiggled, trying to get the feeling back in my ass. Squish said, “So, are you going to take a nice victory poop?” I was like, “I’m sorry?” “Some people pop… Read More

String Boys

on October 9, 2018

Okay– this book is almost done, and I’m going to be spinning down the rabbit hole trying to finish it and another project before I go to GRL. Anyway–I love this book. It’s sort of a book of my heart. And I haven’t talked a lot about it because I love it so much, I… Read More

Wow, what a weekend

on October 8, 2018

Okay– so, I may just make a list– It’s been THAT busy–and frankly, I need to spend a long time working this weekend off my body, because a lot of it was eating. Oi. Anyway–so… Friday… Squish decided to get her hair cut anyway–and as sad as I’ll be to ship that envelope off to… Read More

Squish Postpones Puberty

on October 5, 2018

 So, let’s talk about hair for a minute. When I was about two years old, my father’s mother took me on a “fun day” while my mom got a break. My hair was bright red, right up until my twenties, and very curly, and when I was two, it was that adorable toddler ringlet stage–until… Read More

Quick! Write something!

on October 3, 2018

Okay– so, having no luck on the adorable little anecdote front here–sublime thoughts all used up in my fiction. (Which I need to get back to!) So, I think what we’re getting tonight is a random list of blog topics that I do not have time to get to tonight. Oi, I suck at this…… Read More

October Kermit Flail–YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

on October 1, 2018

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! So I admit it–it’s been a little bit hectic around here. DSP weekend, prep for GRL (I’m being a lazy writer with very little initiative there–but I DO have to send some swag to Andrew Grey because he’s picking me up from the airport and we’re driving to Virginia. Believe me, it’s even more… Read More


on September 30, 2018

So, someone posted on FaceBook, “I hear you turned 15! Who said dyslexia is all bad?” I love that guy. Anyway… Yes, it twas my birthday, and I’d planned to have a regular day, followed by a nice dinner at Tahoe Joes w/Mate. Except Mate got sick. Like, he’s falling asleep now after his two… Read More