Politics and Superman

on July 8, 2018

Bruce heard the first thud when he woke up. He reached out and found the space next to him cold. Fuck. Batman had barely climbed into bed not two hours ago. Clark didn’t really need sleep–but still, he made it a point to lie next to Bruce and doze, just so their bodies could share… Read More

Happier Than I Expected

on July 6, 2018

Okay– First of all, I’d like to say I can pack an amazing picnic. There. It’s out. My house is a disaster, I have yarn everywhere, but I”m not a completely loser as a housewife. I can cook. Barbecue ribs, cherries, corn, potato salad– I put it all in one bag for the big kids,… Read More


on July 4, 2018

So, 4th of July. Never my favorite holiday. Often there’s something doing at my parents’ house, but not always. Some years it’s just a quiet bit here, watching movies. Some years we have company. Mostly, Mate and I lay low, trying to avoid the heat (it’s going to be unseasonably cool here tomorrow) and the… Read More

Kermit Flail– the OMG IS IT JULY ALREADY? edition!

on July 2, 2018

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! And seriously– did June just FLY right by or what? Anyway– for your summer holiday edition of romance, I have got some AMAZING reads here, by authors I know and some I don’t so much and some who just look like they’ve got adorable stuff! So Marie Sexton– yeah, I know, THE Marie Sexton,… Read More

Poll Results and Weekend Update

on July 2, 2018

Poll results are as follows: A. Everybody who has not seen the Yarn Harlot’s work on non-frogging fixes told me to frog the sleeve, but I HAVE seen her talk about non-frogging fixes, so I just stitched the little hole closed. Nobody can tell–the thumb hole was on the fold. It’s fine. And because the… Read More

A brief poll–

on June 29, 2018

 For a change of pace, I have a couple of poll questions for you u. Feel free to answer as you will: Question 1: Say, just say, you were working on a sweater, and at the end of the first sleeve, you decided to put a thumb hole in it. But after your daugh–erm, someone… Read More

Little Old Ladies… still in the pool…

on June 28, 2018

Okay, so I’ve had mixed stories about Little Old Ladies in the Pool–this is, in its essence, white suburbia at its most conservative. The other day I got into the water spoiling for a fight. Someone said I looked pissed, and I replied, “Let’s just say if anyone here thinks putting kids in cages is… Read More

A small surrender

on June 27, 2018

So, I had so much planned today. I was going to finish a cleaning job Mate started, and do some laundry and keep writing and… Anyway– So this morning I took the dogs for a quick walk and went to a dentist appointment. I have a “food trap” between two of my back teeth. Basically… Read More

Somebody got groomed today…

on June 26, 2018

I’m not naming names… By the way– that photo? Well, the camera takes those little second-long photos, so there’s about 10-15 frames per picture. I took about ten pictures, and that was THE ONLY FRAME in the whole mess that had her looking at the camera. It’s because she was about to jump on me…. Read More

The Chi-who-what mafia and the Amy-NO! sweater

on June 25, 2018

So, a mostly quiet weekend–did some housework, saw a movie, worked on Familiar Demon. General stuff. Anyway– Here are some highlights– enjoy! Me: Did you get some food? ZB: Yeah–I had three pieces of chicken. And some orange chicken. All of the orange chicken. And some noodles. About half the noodles. Anyway–I ate. Me: 0.0… Read More