Kindle sales and specials and RED FISH IS OUT!

on August 4, 2017

So we all know that primetime news has been hard at work trying to avoid repeating what Anthony Scaramucci actually said–i.e., “I don’t mean to suck my own cock here…” on a NYT interview. What we don’t know is how many impressionable young people strained themselves trying it to see if it was possible. ZoomBoy… Read More

Red Fish, Dead Fish…

on August 3, 2017

So, Fish, book two, is on its way out, and I’m both excited and scared. I love romantic suspense–particularly series with the same people in them, and that’s what I set out to write.  With J.D. Robb and Kathy Reichs as my original inspiration, as well as countless urban fantasy series to guide me, I… Read More

Barely conscious…

on August 1, 2017

My first day back is usually a struggle not to sleep too much. And I’m fucked either way. If I sleep too much, I can’t sleep at night and I”m useless. If I sleep too little, I can’t think, I’m basically a big drool monkey and I’m useless. Useless me. That is the story of… Read More

Things I have left…

on July 30, 2017

*  My sunglasses in a hotel room in Daytona *  My rack cards in an airport in Atlanta * My earrings. Everywhere. *  My water bottles. Everywhere. * My earbuds. God knows. * Laxatives in at least four hotels and counting. * An entire bottle of Advil in a Cafe aGoGo in Las Vegas. *… Read More

Not dead yet (but I did take a night of rest)

on July 28, 2017

Okay– so, per usual, RWA is a whirlwind of amazing people to talk to, workshops to attend, and appointments to make.  If I tried to put it altogether for you, I’d fail miserably.  When I go home and try to tell stories about cons like this, mostly what my family gets is numb silence, followed… Read More

On a jet plane…

on July 24, 2017

Me: I’m going to the mall and to get shoes–you guys can go or not, but I’m not buying any– Kids: We’re going. Squish: I need loafers. Me: That’s fair–ZoomBoy, we’ll wait until after my check to get you new Vans, okay? ZB: All I want is pretzels. Me: That’s fair. So Squish got loafers,… Read More

A story in pictures…

on July 24, 2017

 So, on Friday, we all dressed pretty and went to the salon to get our nails done, so mom has cute toes for RWA. On Friday night Mom spent from  12-4 a.m. in the hospital with her oldest, while he recovered from an asthma attack, so Mate took the younger kids to soccer camp the… Read More

Health Care

on July 22, 2017

Yes, I usually save my politics for Twitter, but I’m tired–for reasons I’ll explain later–and a little punch drunk and pissed off. I’m a soccer mom. A SOCCER MOM. There’s a lot to hate the GOP for, but right now, what I hate them MOST for is making me involved in politics when I’d rather… Read More

Eight of Wands

on July 20, 2017

So I leave for RWA at the asscrack of dawn on Tuesday, and I am currently… overwhelmed. Things to do: Dye hair. Do nails. (This has turned into a family event, much to Mate’s chagrin.) Grocery shopping for family. Last minute shopping for me. Soccer meeting for Squish. Trip to the fair so kids can… Read More

Nobody’s Mouse But Mine

on July 19, 2017

So we got back from vacation and the dogs forgave me… But my computer mouse didn’t. It didn’t work. I mean… DIDN’T WORK. Because of my computer set up I was bent over double over my console and going back and forth between an ergonomic keyboard and the touch mouse on my laptop. I mean,… Read More