
Sky Sperm

on October 18, 2011

Okay, so I was walking from my car this morning and I felt a drop on my face.  I looked up to see if I’d been targeted by a seagull and while there was no such offending animal, I looked up into the sky and saw?  I don’t know.  The sky was this gorgeous Autumn… Read More

ZB the Reaper and SquishWitch!

on October 16, 2011

So we went to the Halloween store yesterday, and guess what happened?  Well, mostly some shit jumped into my bag and some shit jumped out of my wallet, and then we came home and our children went from being simply mild-mannered ankle biters, and became Zoomboy the Reaper and Squish-witch!  This whole thing was pretty… Read More

Meander Left, Meander Right

on October 13, 2011

Okay, so seriously?  I’ve got nothin’. I’ve said it before–a thousand times–the most intense stuff can be going on inside my head but on the outside?  It’s just a woman typing in a kitchen that looks like a bomb blew up in it.  You’re not looking at her thinking, “Oooh… there typeth the seeds of… Read More

Everything is Prettier in the Rain

on October 11, 2011

Yesterday we spent the day doing the birthday thang (I did that on purpose ’cause I’m cool, yanno!) with my real mom and my grandma.  We brought the pizza, the ice cream cake, a present, and my mom over to my grandma’s and celebrated birthdays.  Everyone keeps telling me what a good daughter I am… Read More

And even MORE book news!

on October 7, 2011

Okay– first things first.  The first thing is that Talker’s Graduation is coming out on Wednesday.  This is possibly the last of the series–I know that my publisher (who loves me!) is going to release all three novellas in a complete volume, and in paperback too, and I will be thrilled to hold it in my… Read More

And in Book News…

on October 5, 2011

Wow– talk about shit sneaking up on you! Becoming is out TODAY–available at Torquere Books and All-Romance e-books and, of course, coming in the next couple of days from amazon.com.  (For those of you who are sort of addicted to amazon.com, I will tell you that ARe has better deals, and they do offer stuff in Kindle format–or .prc,… Read More


on October 3, 2011

Okay, it’s that time of year again when I whine.  And what time of year would that be, Amy?  Any time?  Yes.  Any time of the year, I whine.  We all know it.  Let the whining commence! ‘kay.  Mate’s soccer coaching has had a setback.  Not a huge setback, but my husband did lose his… Read More

Saturday Snark

on October 1, 2011

Marie Sexton is doing Saturday Snark again, and although I missed it last Saturday (Chicken’s b-day) I thought I could make it today before running off into the maelstrom of what is Mate’s b-day today:-) This one’s from The Locker Room and it wasn’t until I tried to do this that I realized how very many of this… Read More

Art Begets Art

on September 29, 2011

Okay, I’ve said this forever.  And ever and ever.  And it seems like the simplest of ideas, but very often our politicians or our education systems or whatever don’t get it.  But it’s true.  Our art is what is remembered, and Art Begets Art. I loved being the docent for the Kindergarten and the 3rd… Read More

Uhm, yeah… I don’t know where to go with that…

on September 27, 2011

Okay… Squish was home sick yesterday which was… awkward. She’s apparently accustomed herself to the breakneck cosmopolitan pace of Kindergarten and the simple pleasure of sitting on Mom’s lap was reduced to a clingy, whiny mopefest of how bored she was–at the same time she could barely move without seal-coughing loud enough to attract big… Read More