
No More Waiting:-)

on November 9, 2008

WAITING is up on the website–except there’s sort of a labeling problem. (You know when you’re reaching for chocolate and you get cheesecake…yeah, hate that!) Sometimes when you pull it up, the sidebar under ‘Amy’s Writings’ says ‘Yearning*’ and ‘Yearning’. The one WITH the *asterisk is *really* WAITING, not YEARNING! Sorry about that–fucking computer glitches!… Read More

Slowly becoming one with the cosmos…

on November 8, 2008

Okay– the dragon in my blood that was ‘Waiting’ has settled down to brood happily over ‘Rampant’ again, the election is over (Go Obama!!! California–shame on us. Shame on us all) and the Christmas madness has not quite begun. I’m almost ready to join the human race again. Or I would be if this pesky… Read More

Doesn’t ANYONE stop talking?

on November 6, 2008

I have officially remembered why I went to part time. I had a staff meeting today–didn’t get home until 5:15–the short people were… well… Amazingly talkative. I spent two hours on the couch with my squishy Ladybug kitty and a cowgirl and a kid who needed to look at a Wal-Mart catalogue and a kid… Read More

*Warning* I’m about to talk politics and religion

on November 3, 2008

I’m sorry. I really am. I know most of you will forgive me, but I may alienate some people. I don’t like doing that–I really don’t, but what’s that quote by Martin Luther King Jr.? Our lives begin to end the day we stay silent about the things that really matter? Yeah. That. One of… Read More


on November 1, 2008

Okay– here’s the pictures! I know, I know, one of them is sideways–and don’t enbiggen them because it shows you what you’ve always suspected: My children are possessed by Satan and have the red-eye to prove it! But it doesn’t matter. Possessed or saintly, they’re mine, and as I said before, they’re hella cute:-)

Hollow Weenies and Crystal Balls…

on November 1, 2008

OKay, the post has nothing to do with the title, but Roxie told a funny joke, and that was the punch line, and I LIKED it! Anyway… I’m tired. Knackered. Destroyed. Explaining the ins and outs of my day would just be confusing, but it’s getting so I’m starting to count the stress of my… Read More

Writer Down!

on October 29, 2008

Okay–whose idea was it to put huge limitations on the human body? Seriously? I’ve been writing…WRITING for the sake of heaven–not running or jumping or beating up small mammals or hunting prehistoric arctic bear, and for the last few days I’ve been waking up to a back and shoulders who are saying, in collective harmony,… Read More

Well, I knit…

on October 27, 2008

Okay–remember that seminar I joked about last week? Yeah… well we got part of that today. I was lucky. I got there late, sat outside and listened to the the sound the bullshit made as it hit the bleachers, and knit under the one spot in the foyer with a broken light. But I got… Read More


on October 26, 2008

Hullo! Let me start by saying that my last posts was inspired by everyday life at the grindstone–no particular moment or person, just a lot of them lumped together. As Donna Lee said–we’ve ALL been to that seminar!! And as for today’s blog? Not much to report, really. I was going to clean the kitchen… Read More


on October 23, 2008

Hi! I’d like to welcome you all to our seminar on Tantric-Mommy-Teacher-Yoga…are we all assembled? Now, I know why five of you are here–it seems as though you are having troubles getting along with young Rectum Hemrrhoid, and Mrs. Hemrrhoid seemed to feel this seminar was in your best interest. And you–yes, you in the… Read More