Sad Clown

on April 27, 2020

Work on the room continues apace–it’s all Mate now, as he attempts to assemble the laminate floor. The kids have helped by painting and assisting when he needs it, and I’m in charge of provisions and doing other household chores while he works. Not bad–but I know he was disappointed when he didn’t quite finish… Read More

Smart Puppy!

on April 25, 2020

Okay– so have been blogging less. Sorry about that! But I spend part of each night doing a non-writing/editing thing. Blogging, Patreon, reading snippets out loud on FB live–and yes, the last two are new. I’m afraid they take a little from the blog–I hope you all can forgive me. (btw– there’s a Patreon link… Read More

Home Improvement

on April 20, 2020

Mate and I suck at it. So. Bad. But Squish is long overdue for a room of her own, and we’ve been promising–and this weekend we made some surprising strides. We’ve also had a few setbacks and just generally, we can’t seem to do anything without meeting up with the absurdity of the world. Examples?… Read More

“I ate a bug.”

on April 18, 2020

So, again, not much to report. Dog’s gonna live– but we’ve cut way back on the treats for both of them. Poor little goobers are very puzzled–but we’re feeding them bland wet food as a substitute and they seem to like that very much. Tomorrow we’re painting Squish’s room–it’s gonna be a big day of… Read More

And General Weirdness

on April 14, 2020

Okay–so Easter was fine. We had ham and the two older kids came over which was awesome–but I have to say, I wasn’t in the mood to enjoy it as much as I could have been. Mate kept the kids up until 1:30 the night before, which means that by the time I got to… Read More

Shopping During Social Distancing

on April 10, 2020

I’m the worst shopper. Even when I make a list, I get lost in the middle of the store and forget it. I take time outs, unforeseen left turns, and have anxiety attack buys that usually involve chocolate, Oreos, and potato chips. You’d think I’d get my shit together when we’re supposed to going to… Read More

Status Report

on April 8, 2020

*  The silkworms are, I regret to inform you, still here. Mate and I go on our mostly deserted walk in the park and when we get back to the car we spend a good five minutes divesting ourselves of the “nature”.  In a not unconnected event, there are horny birds everywhere who–high off of… Read More


on April 6, 2020

Hey all– it’s April, and I’m betting–wherever you are, whatever you are doing–you probably didn’t imagine your March would turn out quite the way you’d planned. Wherever you are, I hope you’re healthy, staying sane, and escaping in all the safe ways–quiet walks (in mostly empty parks!), family game time, knitting–and, of course, our favorite,… Read More

Go-Go Boots and Zoomies

on April 2, 2020

For once, I have something to report! So, Steve and Dewey both had appointments yesterday. Now, normally I would have blown the appointments off–not the time to be hanging about the vets office, shooting the shit, right?  But Steve gets tartar buildup which can get infected quickly–and her appointment two months ago didn’t go well–she… Read More

Regarding Henry

on March 31, 2020

Shades of Henry by Amy Lane A Flophouse Story One bootstrap act of integrity cost Henry Worrall everything—military career, family, and the secret boyfriend who kept Henry trapped for eleven years. Desperate, Henry shows up on his brother’s doorstep and is offered a place to live and a job as a handyman in a flophouse… Read More